Paul Salvador Inventado
Cited by
Cited by
6. Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Potentials and Possibilities for Online Education
RS Baker, PS Inventado
Emergence and innovation in digital learning, 81-98, 2016
Predicting student emotions resulting from appraisal of ITS feedback
PS Inventado, R Legaspi, M Suarez, M Numao
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 6 (2), 107-133, 2011
Chapter 4: Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics
R Shaun, J De Baker, PS Inventado
Springer, 2014
An Emotion Model for Music Using Brain Waves.
R Cabredo, RS Legaspi, PS Inventado, M Numao
ISMIR, 265-270, 2012
Semantic Features of Math Problems: Relationships to Student Learning and Engagement.
S Slater, R Baker, J Ocumpaugh, P Inventado, P Scupelli, N Heffernan
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2016
Learning analytics
RS Baker
Springer, 2014
Discovering emotion-inducing music features using EEG signals
R Cabredo, R Legaspi, PS Inventado, M Numao
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics …, 2013
Building online corpora of philippine languages
S Dita, RE Roxas, P Inventado
Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and …, 2009
Contextual factors affecting hint utility
PS Inventado, P Scupelli, K Ostrow, N Heffernan, J Ocumpaugh, ...
International journal of STEM education 5, 1-13, 2018
Feedback design patterns for math online learning systems
PS Inventado, P Scupelli, C Heffernan, N Heffernan
Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs …, 2017
Data-driven design pattern production: a case study on the ASSISTments online learning system
PS Inventado, P Scupelli
Proceedings of the 20th European conference on pattern languages of programs …, 2015
Towards extending online pattern repositories: Supporting the design pattern lifecycle
C Köppe, PS Inventado, P Scupelli, U Van Heesch
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 1-26, 2016
Student learning behavior in an unsupervised learning environment
PS Inventado, R Legaspi, R Cabredo, M Numao
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on computers in education …, 2012
Preface: Connecting learning design and learning analytics
D Hernández Leo, MJ Rodríguez-Triana, P Salvador Inventado, Y Mor
Interaction Design & Architecture (s). 2017;(33): 3-8., 2017
Chapter X: educational data mining and learning analytics
RSJ de Baker, PS Inventado
Comput. Sci 7, 1-16, 2014
Protecting student privacy with synthetic data from generative adversarial networks
P Bautista, PS Inventado
International conference on artificial intelligence in education, 66-70, 2021
Hybrid collaboration patterns
C Köppe, C Kohls, AY Pedersen, RT Nřrgĺrd, PS Inventado
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, I-XIV, 2018
A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns
PS Inventado, P Scupelli
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP'15 …, 2015
Investigating transitions in affect and activities for online learning interventions
PS Inventado, R Legaspi, M Suarez, M Numao
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education …, 2011
Observatory: A tool for recording, annotating and reviewing emotion-related data
PS Inventado, R Legaspi, M Numao, M Suarez
2011 Third International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering …, 2011
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Articles 1–20