Alejandro Onrubia
Alejandro Onrubia
Fundacion Migres
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Cited by
Wind turbines cause functional habitat loss for migratory soaring birds
AT Marques, CD Santos, F Hanssen, AR Muñoz, A Onrubia, M Wikelski, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (1), 93-103, 2020
Molecular characterization of haemosporidian parasites from kites of the genus Milvus (Aves: Accipitridae)
A Pérez-Rodríguez, J de la Puente, A Onrubia, J Pérez-Tris
International journal for parasitology 43 (5), 381-387, 2013
Trends of autumn counts at Iberian migration bottlenecks as a tool for monitoring continental populations of soaring birds in Europe
B Martín, A Onrubia, A de la Cruz, F Miguel
Biodiversity and Conservation, 2016
Migration of red‐backed shrikes from the Iberian Peninsula: optimal or sub‐optimal detour?
AP Tøttrup, L Pedersen, A Onrubia, RHG Klaassen, K Thorup
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (1), 149-154, 2017
The gateway to Africa: What determines sea crossing performance of a migratory soaring bird at the Strait of Gibraltar?
CD Santos, JP Silva, AR Muñoz, A Onrubia, M Wikelski
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (6), 1317-1328, 2020
Effects of climate change on the migratory behavior of the common buzzard Buteo buteo
B Martín, A Onrubia, MA Ferrer
Climate Research 60 (3), 187-197, 2014
Desert crossing strategies of migrant songbirds vary between and within species
F Jiguet, M Burgess, K Thorup, G Conway, JL Arroyo Matos, L Barber, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 20248, 2019
New population estimates of a critically endangered species, the Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus, based on coastal migration counts
GM Arroyo, M Mateos-Rodriguez, AR Munoz, AS De la Cruz, D Cuenca, ...
Bird Conservation International 26 (1), 87-99, 2016
Impact of wind farms on soaring bird populations at a migratory bottleneck
B Martín, C Perez-Bacalu, A Onrubia, M De Lucas, M Ferrer
European Journal of Wildlife Research 64, 1-10, 2018
Impact of human activities on steppic-land birds: a review in the context of the Western Palearctic
A Onrubia, T Andrés
Ecology and conservation of steppe–land birds, 185-209, 2005
Local and regional weather patterns influencing post‐breeding migration counts of soaring birds at the S trait of G ibraltar, S pain
RA Miller, A Onrubia, B Martín, GS Kaltenecker, JD Carlisle, MJ Bechard, ...
Ibis 158 (1), 106-115, 2016
Match between soaring modes of black kites and the fine-scale distribution of updrafts
CD Santos, F Hanssen, AR Muñoz, A Onrubia, M Wikelski, R May, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6421, 2017
Endangered subspecies of the Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus witherbyi and E. s. lusitanica) in Iberian Peninsula have different genetic structures
L Kvist, S Ponnikas, EJ Belda, I Encabo, E Martínez, A Onrubia, ...
Journal of Ornithology 152, 681-693, 2011
Breeding habitat use and conservation status of the turtle dove Streptopelia turtur in Northern Spain
M Sáenz De Buruaga, A Onrubia, JM Fernández-García, MÁ Campos, ...
Ardeola 59 (2), 291-300, 2013
Fruit abundance and trait matching determine diet type and body condition across frugivorous bird populations
JP González‐Varo, A Onrubia, N Pérez‐Méndez, R Tarifa, JC Illera
Oikos 2022 (2), 2022
Spring movements of Rüppell's Vulture Gyps rueppellii across the Strait of Gibraltar
J Ramírez, AR Muñoz, A Onrubia, A De la Cruz, D Cuenca, JM González, ...
Ostrich 82 (1), 71-73, 2011
Long‐term changes in autumn migration dates at the Strait of Gibraltar reflect population trends of soaring birds
M Panuccio, B Martín, M Morganti, A Onrubia, M Ferrer
Ibis 159 (1), 55-65, 2017
Connectivity in Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus between breeding grounds in Europe and autumn stopover sites in Iberia
M Andueza, E Barba, JL Arroyo, J Feliu, JL Greño, F Jubete, L Lozano, ...
Ardea 101 (2), 133-140, 2014
Pico mediano, Dendrocopos medius
A Onrubia, H Robles, M Salas, P González-Quirós, PP Olea
Libro rojo de las aves de España, 304-307, 2004
Migración y ecología espacial de la cigüeña blanca en España
J Bécares, J Blas, P López-López, H Schulz, F Torres, U Höfle, A Flack, ...
Sociedad Española de Ornitología, 2019
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Articles 1–20