Zhu Gaofeng (朱高峰)
Zhu Gaofeng (朱高峰)
Key Laboratory of Western China ’s Environmental Systems (Ministry of Education), Lanzhou University
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Cited by
Heihe watershed allied telemetry experimental research (HiWATER): Scientific objectives and experimental design
X Li, G Cheng, S Liu, Q Xiao, M Ma, R Jin, T Che, Q Liu, W Wang, Y Qi, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (8), 1145-1160, 2013
Hydrogeochemical and isotope evidence of groundwater evolution and recharge in Minqin Basin, Northwest China
GF Zhu, ZZ Li, YH Su, JZ Ma, YY Zhang
Journal of Hydrology 333 (2-4), 239-251, 2007
The hydrochemical characteristics and evolution of groundwater and surface water in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China
GF Zhu, YH Su, Q Feng
Hydrogeology Journal 16 (1), 167-182, 2008
HiWATER: An Integrated Remote Sensing Experiment on Hydrological and Ecological Processes in the Heihe River Basin
X Li, S Liu, M Ma, Q Xiao, Q Liu, R Jin, T Che
Advances in Earth Science 27 (5), 481, 2012
Groundwater recharge and evolution in the Dunhuang Basin, northwestern China
J Ma, J He, S Qi, G Zhu, W Zhao, WM Edmunds, Y Zhao
Applied Geochemistry 28, 19-31, 2013
Hydrogeochemical processes in the groundwater environment of Heihe River Basin, northwest China
Z Gaofeng, S Yonghong, H Chunlin, F Qi, L Zhiguang
Environmental Earth Sciences 60, 139-153, 2010
The composition and distribution of chemicals and isotopes in precipitation in the Shiyang River system, northwestern China
J Ma, P Zhang, G Zhu, Y Wang, WM Edmunds, Z Ding, J He
Journal of Hydrology 436, 92-101, 2012
Estimating actual evapotranspiration from an alpine grassland on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau using a two-source model and parameter uncertainty analysis by Bayesian approach
G Zhu, Y Su, X Li, K Zhang, C Li
Journal of Hydrology 476, 42-51, 2013
Energy flux partitioning and evapotranspiration in a sub‐alpine spruce forest ecosystem
Z Gaofeng, L Ling, S Yonghong, W Xufeng, C Xia, M Jinzhu, H Jianhua, ...
Hydrological Processes 28 (19), 5093-5104, 2014
Groundwater recharge environments and hydrogeochemical evolution in the Jiuquan Basin, Northwest China
J He, J Ma, P Zhang, L Tian, G Zhu, WM Edmunds, Q Zhang
Applied Geochemistry 27 (4), 866-878, 2012
Seasonal fluctuations and temperature dependence in photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance at the leaf scale of Populus euphratica Oliv.
GF Zhu, X Li, YH Su, L Lu, CL Huang
Tree Physiology 31 (2), 178-195, 2011
Parameter Analysis and Estimates for the MODIS Evapotranspiration Algorithm and Multiscale Verification
GCJ Zhang K., Zhu G.F., Ma J.Z., Yang Y.T., Shang S.S.
Water Resource Research 55 (, 2019
Environmental isotopic and hydrochemical study of groundwater in the Ejina Basin, northwest China
YH Su, GF Zhu, Q Feng, ZZ Li, FP Zhang
Environmental Geology 58, 601-614, 2009
苏永红, 冯起, 朱高峰, 司建华, 常宗强
中国沙漠 28 (1), 57-65, 2008
Identification and evolution of groundwater chemistry in the Ejin Sub-Basin of the Heihe River, Northwest China
SU Yong-Hong, F Qi, ZHU Gao-Feng, SI Jian-Hua, YW Zhang
Pedosphere 17 (3), 331-342, 2007
Estimation of parameters of a biochemically based model of photosynthesis using a genetic algorithm
Y Su, G Zhu, Z Miao, QI Feng, Z Chang
Plant, Cell & Environment 32 (12), 1710-1723, 2009
苏永红, 冯起, 刘蔚, 朱高峰, 司建华, 常宗强, 席海洋
干旱区研究, 169-175, 2009
Modelling evapotranspiration in an alpine grassland ecosystem on Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau
G Zhu, Y Su, X Li, K Zhang, C Li, N Ning
Hydrological Processes 28 (3), 610-619, 2014
Distribution of isotopes and chemicals in precipitation in Shule River Basin, northwestern China: an implication for water cycle and groundwater recharge
W Zhao, J Ma, C Gu, S Qi, G Zhu, J He
Journal of Arid Land 8, 973-985, 2016
Parameterization of a coupled CO2 and H2O gas exchange model at the leaf scale of Populus euphratica
GF Zhu, X Li, YH Su, CL Huang
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (3), 419-431, 2010
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Articles 1–20