Andreas Hartmann
Andreas Hartmann
Professor of Groundwater Systems
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Karst water resources in a changing world: Review of hydrological modeling approaches
A Hartmann, N Goldscheider, T Wagener, J Lange, M Weiler
Reviews of Geophysics 52 (3), 218-242, 2014
Hillslope hydrology in global change research and earth system modeling
Y Fan, M Clark, DM Lawrence, S Swenson, LE Band, SL Brantley, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (2), 1737-1772, 2019
The demographics of water: A review of water ages in the critical zone
M Sprenger, C Stumpp, M Weiler, W Aeschbach, ST Allen, P Benettin, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 57 (3), 800-834, 2019
Enhanced groundwater recharge rates and altered recharge sensitivity to climate variability through subsurface heterogeneity
A Hartmann, T Gleeson, Y Wada, T Wagener
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (11), 2842-2847, 2017
Global analysis reveals climatic controls on the oxygen isotope composition of cave drip water
A Baker, A Hartmann, W Duan, S Hankin, L Comas-Bru, MO Cuthbert, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 2984, 2019
Progress in the hydrologic simulation of time variant recharge areas of karst systems–Exemplified at a karst spring in Southern Spain
A Hartmann, JA Barberá, J Lange, B Andreo, M Weiler
Advances in Water Resources 54, 149-160, 2013
A large-scale simulation model to assess karstic groundwater recharge over Europe and the Mediterranean
A Hartmann, T Gleeson, R Rosolem, F Pianosi, Y Wada, T Wagener
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (6), 1729-1746, 2015
Modeling spatiotemporal impacts of hydroclimatic extremes on groundwater recharge at a Mediterranean karst aquifer
A Hartmann, M Mudarra, B Andreo, A Marin, T Wagener, J Lange
Water Resources Research 50 (8), 6507-6521, 2014
Testing the realism of model structures to identify karst system processes using water quality and quantity signatures
A Hartmann, T Wagener, A Rimmer, J Lange, H Brielmann, M Weiler
Water Resources Research 49 (6), 3345-3358, 2013
Risk of groundwater contamination widely underestimated because of fast flow into aquifers
A Hartmann, S Jasechko, T Gleeson, Y Wada, B Andreo, JA Barberá, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (20), e2024492118, 2021
A new approach to model the spatial and temporal variability of recharge to karst aquifers.
A Hartmann, J Lange, M Weiler, Y Arbel, N Greenbaum
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences 16 (7), 2012
A multi-model approach for improved simulations of future water availability at a large Eastern Mediterranean karst spring
A Hartmann, J Lange, ŔV Aguado, N Mizyed, G Smiatek, H Kunstmann
Journal of Hydrology 468, 130-138, 2012
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater
T Olarinoye, T Gleeson, V Marx, S Seeger, R Adinehvand, V Allocca, ...
Scientific Data 7 (1), 59, 2020
Process-based karst modelling to relate hydrodynamic and hydrochemical characteristics to system properties
A Hartmann, M Weiler, T Wagener, J Lange, M Kralik, F Humer, N Mizyed, ...
Hydrology and earth system sciences 17 (8), 3305-3321, 2013
GMD perspective: The quest to improve the evaluation of groundwater representation in continental-to global-scale models
T Gleeson, T Wagener, P Döll, SC Zipper, C West, Y Wada, R Taylor, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 14 (12), 7545-7571, 2021
Streamflow sensitivity to water storage changes across Europe
WR Berghuijs, A Hartmann, RA Woods
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (5), 1980-1987, 2016
Dynamics of water fluxes and storages in an Alpine karst catchment under current and potential future climate conditions
Z Chen, A Hartmann, T Wagener, N Goldscheider
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (7), 3807-3823, 2018
Modelling karst vadose zone hydrology and its relevance for paleoclimate reconstruction
A Hartmann, A Baker
Earth-Science Reviews 172, 178-192, 2017
What is the hydrologically effective area of a catchment?
Y Liu, T Wagener, HE Beck, A Hartmann
Environmental Research Letters 15 (10), 104024, 2020
Karst modelling challenge 1: Results of hydrological modelling
PY Jeannin, G Artigue, C Butscher, Y Chang, JB Charlier, L Duran, L Gill, ...
Journal of Hydrology 600, 126508, 2021
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Articles 1–20