kiril blagoev
kiril blagoev
Institute of Solid State Physics
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Lifetimes of levels of neutral and singly ionized lanthanide atoms
KB Blagoev, VA Komarovskii
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 56 (1), 1-40, 1994
Radiative lifetime and transition probabilities in Cd I and Cd II
HL Xu, A Persson, S Svanberg, K Blagoev, G Malcheva, V Pentchev, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 042508, 2004
Lifetime measurements and calculations in Y+ and Y2+ ions
É Biémont, K Blagoev, L Engström, H Hartman, H Lundberg, G Malcheva, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 414 (4), 3350-3359, 2011
Interactions of noble gas atoms. Processes due to elastic scattering
AZ Devdariani, AL Zagrebin, KB Blagoev
Annales de Physique 14 (5), 467-604, 1989
Radiative Lifetimes and Transition Probabilities of Astrophysical Interest in Zr ii
G Malcheva, K Blagoev, R Mayo, M Ortiz, HL Xu, S Svanberg, P Quinet, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 367 (2), 754-762, 2006
Laser-probing measurements and calculations of lifetimes of the 5 d D 3∕ 2 2 and 5 d D 5∕ 2 2 metastable levels in Ba II
J Gurell, E Biémont, K Blagoev, V Fivet, P Lundin, S Mannervik, LO Norlin, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (5), 052506, 2007
Excitation transfer and intermultiplet transitions in collisions of He and Ne atoms at thermal energies
AZ Devdariani, AL Zagrebin, K Blagoev
Annales de physique 17 (5), 365-470, 1992
S-wave superconductivity in weak ferromagnetic metals
KB Blagoev, JR Engelbrecht, KS Bedell
Philosophical magazine letters 78 (2), 169-176, 1998
Lifetimes of excited states of the samarium atom
KB Blagoev, VA Komarovskii, NP Penkin
Opt. Spectrosc.(USSR)(Engl. Transl.);(United States) 42 (3), 1977
Investigation by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray powder diffraction of the chemical composition of white clay ceramic tiles from Veliki Preslav
K Blagoev, M Grozeva, G Malcheva, S Neykova
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 79, 39-43, 2013
Radiative lifetimes of Yb I Yb II excited states
KB Blagoev, VA Komarovskii, NP Penkin
Optics and Spectroscopy 45 (5), 832-833, 1978
Radiative lifetimes of excited Kr II states
KB Blagoev
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 14 (24), 4743, 1981
Radiative lifetimes of Zr III excited levels
R Mayo, J Campos, M Ortiz, H Xu, S Svanberg, G Malcheva, K Blagoev
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2006
Lifetimes of the excited levels of Tm I and Tm II and oscillator strengths of Tm I spectral lines
KB Blagoev, VA Komarovskii, NP Penkin
Opt. Spectrosc.(USSR)(Engl. Transl.);(United States) 44 (2), 1978
Radiative parameters for some transitions in the spectrum of Ag ii
J Campos, M Ortiz, R Mayo, E Biémont, P Quinet, K Blagoev, G Malcheva
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 363 (3), 905-910, 2005
Radiative lifetimes of Zn I, II excited states
KB Blagoev, G Malcheva, V Penchev, E Biémont, HL Xu, A Persson, ...
Physica Scripta 69 (6), 433, 2004
Oscillator strengths for high-excitation Ti ii from laboratory measurements and calculations
H Lundberg, H Hartman, L Engström, H Nilsson, A Persson, P Palmeri, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460 (1), 356-362, 2016
Absolute transition probabilities of Al I and Al II spectral lines and intensity ratios within multiplets
V Vujnović, K Blagoev, C Fuerboeck, T Neger, H Jäger
Astronomy & astrophysics 388 (2), 704-711, 2002
Experimental and theoretical transition probabilities in singly ionized gold
É Biémont, K Blagoev, V Fivet, G Malcheva, R Mayo, M Ortiz, P Quinet
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 380 (4), 1581-1588, 2007
Two-electron transitions between nd8 (n+ 1) s2 and nd9 (n+ 1) p configurations in the spectra of Cu+, Ag+, Au+ Zn2+, Cd2+, Hg2+
K Blagoev, N Dimitrov, A Benhalla, P Bogdanovich, A Momkauskaite, ...
Physica Scripta 41 (2), 213, 1990
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Articles 1–20