Kimberly Weaver
Cited by
Cited by
An empirical task analysis of warehouse order picking using head-mounted displays
KA Weaver, H Baumann, T Starner, H Iben, M Lawo
Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in …, 2010
Monitoring children’s developmental progress using augmented toys and activity recognition
TL Westeyn, GD Abowd, TE Starner, JM Johnson, PW Presti, KA Weaver
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-23, 2011
We need to communicate!: helping hearing parents of deaf children learn american sign language
KA Weaver, T Starner
The proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on …, 2011
A robust algorithm for detecting speech segments using an entropic contrast
K Waheed, K Weaver, FM Salam
Circuits and Systems, 2002. MWSCAS-2002. The 2002 45th Midwest Symposium on …, 2002
Improving the language ability of deaf signing children through an interactive American sign language-based video game
KA Weaver, H Hamilton, Z Zafrulla, H Brashear, T Starner, P Presti, ...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences …, 2010
An evaluation of video intelligibility for novice american sign language learners on a mobile device
KA Weaver, T Starner, H Hamilton
Proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2010
American sign language vocabulary: computer aided instruction for non-signers
V Henderson-Summet, K Weaver, TL Westeyn, TE Starner
Proceedings of the 10th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2008
An entropy based robust speech boundary detection algorithm for realistic noisy environments
K Weaver, K Waheed, FM Salem
Neural Networks, 2003. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on …, 2003
Mobile Sign Language Learning Outside the Classroom.
KA Weaver, T Starner
Online Submission, 2012
Design and evaluation of a perceptually adaptive rendering system for immersive virtual reality environments
KA Weaver
ProQuest, 2007
Understanding information preview in mobile email processing
KA Weaver, H Yang, S Zhai, J Pierce
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer …, 2011
Perceptually adaptive rendering of immersive virtual environments
K Weaver, D Parkhurst
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4569, 224-229, 2007
SMARTSign: A Different Flavor of Accessibility
KA Weaver, T Starner
Perceptually adaptive rendering in immersive virtual reality
K Weaver, D Parkhurst
ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Research posters, 152, 2006
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Articles 1–14