Environmental outcomes of the US renewable fuel standard TJ Lark, NP Hendricks, A Smith, N Pates, SA Spawn-Lee, M Bougie, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (9), e2101084119, 2022 | 191 | 2022 |
Crop supply dynamics and the illusion of partial adjustment NP Hendricks, A Smith, DA Sumner American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96 (5), 1469-1491, 2014 | 186 | 2014 |
Fixed effects estimation of the intensive and extensive margins of irrigation water demand NP Hendricks, JM Peterson Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 1-19, 2012 | 165 | 2012 |
Irrigation offsets wheat yield reductions from warming temperatures J Tack, A Barkley, N Hendricks Environmental Research Letters 12 (11), 114027, 2017 | 139 | 2017 |
Adaptation to an irrigation water restriction imposed through local governance KM Drysdale, NP Hendricks Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 91, 150-165, 2018 | 109 | 2018 |
The environmental effects of crop price increases: Nitrogen losses in the US Corn Belt NP Hendricks, S Sinnathamby, K Douglas-Mankin, A Smith, DA Sumner, ... Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68 (3), 507-526, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Subsidy incidence and inertia in farmland rental markets: estimates from a dynamic panel NP Hendricks, JP Janzen, KC Dhuyvetter Journal of agricultural and resource economics, 361-378, 2012 | 83 | 2012 |
Transaction costs in payment for environmental service contracts JM Peterson, CM Smith, JC Leatherman, NP Hendricks, JA Fox American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (1), 219-238, 2015 | 81* | 2015 |
Changes in cropland area in the United States and the role of CRP NP Hendricks, E Er Food Policy 75, 15-23, 2018 | 80 | 2018 |
Predicting county level corn yields using deep long short term memory models Z Jiang, C Liu, NP Hendricks, B Ganapathysubramanian, DJ Hayes, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.12044, 2018 | 71 | 2018 |
Potential benefits from innovations to reduce heat and water stress in agriculture NP Hendricks Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 5 (3 …, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Land market valuation of groundwater GS Sampson, NP Hendricks, MR Taylor Resource and Energy Economics 58, 101120, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
Futures prices in supply analysis: Are instrumental variables necessary? NP Hendricks, JP Janzen, A Smith American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (1), 22-39, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |
Are farmers made whole by trade aid? JP Janzen, NP Hendricks Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 42 (2), 205-226, 2020 | 49 | 2020 |
Heterogeneous yield impacts from adoption of genetically engineered corn and the importance of controlling for weather JL Lusk, J Tack, NP Hendricks National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Decreased wheat production in the USA from climate change driven by yield losses rather than crop abandonment OS Obembe, NP Hendricks, J Tack Plos one 16 (6), e0252067, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
Groundwater economics: An object‐oriented foundation for integrated studies of irrigated agricultural systems DR Steward, JM Peterson, X Yang, T Bulatewicz, M Herrera‐Rodriguez, ... Water Resources Research 45 (5), 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Ethanol plant location and intensification vs. extensification of corn cropping in Kansas JC Brown, E Hanley, J Bergtold, M Caldas, V Barve, D Peterson, ... Applied Geography 53, 141-148, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
Lessons from local governance and collective action efforts to manage irrigation withdrawals in Kansas G Perez-Quesada, NP Hendricks Agricultural Water Management 247, 106736, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
Optimal groundwater management under climate change and technical progress NEQ Ashwell, JM Peterson, NP Hendricks Resource and Energy Economics 51, 67-83, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |