Françoise Fogelman-Soulié
Françoise Fogelman-Soulié
Hub France IA
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Modèles connexionnistes de l'apprentissage
Y LeCun, F Fogelman-Soulié
Intellectica. Apprentissage et Machine, J. Quinqueton, J. Sallantin Eds 1 (2 …, 1987
Decreasing energy functions as a tool for studying threshold networks
E Goles-Chacc, F Fogelman-Soulié, D Pellegrin
Discrete Applied Mathematics 12 (3), 261-277, 1985
Face recognition: from theory to applications
H Wechsler, PJ Phillips, V Bruce, F Fogelman Soulié, TS Huang, eds.
NATO ASI series. Series F: computer and system sciences 163, 1998
On the relations between discriminant analysis and multilayer perceptrons
P Gallinari, S Thiria, F Badran, F Fogelman-Soulie
Neural Networks 4 (3), 349-360, 1991
Variable selection with neural networks
T Cibas, F Fogelman Soulié, P Gallinari, S Raudys
Neurocomputing 12 (2), 223-248, 1996
Mining Massive Data Sets for Security: Advances in Data Mining, Search, Social Networks and Text Mining, and Their Applications to Security
F Fogelman Soulié, D Perrotta, J Pikorski, R Steinberger, eds.
IOS Press, 2008
Scaling laws for the attractors of Hopfield networks
G Weisbuch, F Fogelman-Soulié
Journal Physique Lettres 46 (14), 623-630, 1985
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining
JJF Elder IV, F Fogelman-Soulié, P Flach, M Zaki
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2009
Multi-modular neural network architectures: applications in optical character and human face recognition
F Fogelman Soulie, E Viennet, B Lamy
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence …, 1993
Automata Networks in Computer Science: Theory and Applications
F Fogelman-Soulié, Y Robert, M Tchuente, eds
Manchester Univ. Press and Princeton Univ. Press, 1987
Multilayer perceptrons and data analysis
P Gallinari, S Thiria, F Fogelman Soulie
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 391-399, 1988
The dynamics of evolution and learning̵Toward genetic neural networks
R Pfeifer, Z Schreter, F Fogelman-Soulie, L Steels
Connectionism in perspective, 173-198, 1989
Disordered Systems and Biological Organization: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop held at Les Houches, February 25–March 8, 1985
E Bienenstock, F Fogelman Soulié, G Weisbuch, eds.
Springer Verlag, 1986
Transient length in sequential iterations of threshold functions
F Fogelman-Soulié, E Goles-Chacc, G Weisbuch
Discrete Applied Mathematics 6 (1), 95-98, 1983
Les Théories de la complexité: autour de l'œuvre d'Henri Atlan
F Fogelman Soulié, V Havelange, M Milgram, eds.
Colloque de Cerisy, Collection La Couleur des Idées, 1991
Random Boolean Networks
H Atlan, F Fogelman-Soulie, J Salomon, G Weisbuch
Cybernetics and System 12, 103-121, 1981
Connectionism in perspective
Y LeCun, R Pfeifer, Z Schreter, F Fogelman, L Steels
Speaker-independent isolated digit recognition: Multilayer perceptrons vs. dynamic time warping
L Bottou, F Fogelman Soulie, P Blanchet, JS Liénard
Neural Networks 3 (4), 453-465, 1990
Mémoires associatives distribuées: une comparaison
P Gallinari, Y LeCun, S Thiria, F Fogelman-Soulie
Proceedings of Cognitiva 87, Paris, La Villette, May 1987, 275- 283, 1987
A Case Study in a Recommender System Based on Purchase Data.
B Pradel, S Sean, J Delporte, S Guérif, C Rouveirol, N Usunier, ...
17th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and data mining KDD’11 …, 2011
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