Therese C. Frauendorf
Therese C. Frauendorf
Assistant Professor of Biology at Colgate University
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Cited by
Occurrence of maize detritus and a transgenic insecticidal protein (Cry1Ab) within the stream network of an agricultural landscape
JL Tank, EJ Rosi-Marshall, TV Royer, MR Whiles, NA Griffiths, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (41), 17645-17650, 2010
Rapid decomposition of maize detritus in agricultural headwater streams
NA Griffiths, JL Tank, TV Royer, EJ Rosi-Marshall, MR Whiles, ...
Ecological Applications 19 (1), 133-142, 2009
Urbanization can increase the invasive potential of alien species
P Santana Marques, L Resende Manna, T Clara Frauendorf, E Zandonà, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (10), 2345-2355, 2020
Temporal variation in organic carbon spiraling in Midwestern agricultural streams
NA Griffiths, JL Tank, TV Royer, TJ Warrner, TC Frauendorf, ...
Biogeochemistry 108, 149-169, 2012
Biodiversity and ecosystem risks arising from using guppies to control mosquitoes
RW El-Sabaawi, TC Frauendorf, PS Marques, RA Mackenzie, LR Manna, ...
Biology letters 12 (10), 20160590, 2016
Energy flow and the trophic basis of macroinvertebrate and amphibian production in a neotropical stream food web
TC Frauendorf, C Colón‐Gaud, MR Whiles, TR Barnum, KR Lips, ...
Freshwater Biology 58 (7), 1340-1352, 2013
Evidence for the persistence of food web structure after amphibian extirpation in a Neotropical stream
TR Barnum, JM Drake, C Colón-Gaud, AT Rugenski, TC Frauendorf, ...
Ecology 96 (8), 2106-2116, 2015
Evaluating ecosystem effects of climate change on tropical island streams using high spatial and temporal resolution sampling regimes
TC Frauendorf, RA MacKenzie, RW Tingley III, AG Frazier, MH Riney, ...
Global change biology, 2019
Occurrence, leaching, and degradation of Cry1Ab protein from transgenic maize detritus in agricultural streams
NA Griffiths, JL Tank, TV Royer, EJ Rosi, AJ Shogren, TC Frauendorf, ...
Science of The Total Environment 592, 97-105, 2017
Implications of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) life‐history phenotype for mosquito control
ML Warbanski, P Marques, TC Frauendorf, DAT Phillip, RW El‐Sabaawi
Ecology and evolution 7 (10), 3324-3334, 2017
Using a space‐for‐time substitution approach to predict the effects of climate change on nutrient cycling in tropical island stream ecosystems
TC Frauendorf, RA MacKenzie, RW Tingley III, DM Infante, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (12), 3114-3127, 2020
Predators mediate the effects of a fungal pathogen on prey: an experiment with grasshoppers, wolf spiders, and fungal pathogens
AN Laws, TC Frauendorf, JE Gomez, IM Algaze
Ecological Entomology 34 (6), 702-708, 2009
Animal legacies lost and found in river ecosystems
TC Frauendorf, AL Subalusky, CL Dutton, SK Hamilton, FO Masese, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (11), 115011, 2021
Mechanisms underlying lack of functional compensation by insect grazers after tadpole declines in a Neotropical stream
TR Barnum, JT Wootton, RJ Bixby, JM Drake, D Murray‐Stoker, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 67, S198-S210, 2022
Seizing resilience windows to foster passive recovery in the forest-water interface in Amazonian lands
FR de Paula, AR Ruschel, JF Felizzola, TC Frauendorf, ...
Science of The Total Environment 828, 154425, 2022
Population response to connectivity restoration of high elevation tropical stream reaches in Hawai'i
AM Strauch, RW Tingley III, J Hsiao, PB Foulk, TC Frauendorf, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 4 (12), e12836, 2022
The effects of climate change and introduced species on tropical Island streams
T Frauendorf
Trophic basis of production in a neotropical headwater stream
TC Frauendorf
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2012
Ecoregion Not Classified: Hawai’i Experimental Tropical Forest, Hawai’i
RA MacKenzie, A Strauch, T Frauendorf, T Wiegner, RW Tingley
Chapter 18 In: Ryan, Douglas F., ed. 2021. Biological responses to stream …, 2021
A Review of “Community Ecology” By Gary G. Mittelbach. Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 2012. 400 pages. $64.56 (paper).
E Hertz, DC Claar, MM Davies, TC Frauendorf, JCB White, JA Fisher, ...
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143 (3), 830-831, 2014
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Articles 1–20