Iulian Sandu Popa
Iulian Sandu Popa
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ), Université Paris-Saclay
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Cited by
Proactive vehicular traffic rerouting for lower travel time
SJ Pan, I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, C Borcea
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 62 (8), 3551-3568, 2013
Divert: A distributed vehicular traffic re-routing system for congestion avoidance
JS Pan, I Sandu Popa, C Borcea
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (1), 58-72, 2017
Proactive vehicle re-routing strategies for congestion avoidance
J Pan, MA Khan, I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, C Borcea
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2012 IEEE 8th International …, 2012
Clustering algorithm for network constraint trajectories
A Kharrat, I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, S Faiz
Headway in Spatial Data Handling, 631-647, 2008
Indexing in-Network Trajectory Flows
I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, V Oria, D Barth, S Vial
The VLDB Journal--The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases archive …, 2011
Personal Data Management Systems: The security and functionality standpoint
N Anciaux, P Bonnet, L Bouganim, B Nguyen, P Pucheral, I Sandu Popa, ...
Information Systems, 2018
Spatio-temporal compression of trajectories in road networks
I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, V Oria, A Kharrat
GeoInformatica 19 (1), 117-145, 2014
Trusted cells: A sea change for personal data services
N Anciaux, P Bonnet, L Bouganim, B Nguyen, I Sandu Popa, P Pucheral
Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR '13), 2013
Annexe B.
N Anciaux, P Bonnet, L Bouganim, B Nguyen, P Pucheral, I Sandu Popa
Gestion de données personnelles respectueuse de la vie privée, 87, 0
A secure search engine for the personal cloud
S Lallali, N Anciaux, I Sandu Popa, P Pucheral
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2015
PARINET: A tunable access method for in-network trajectories
I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, V Oria, D Barth, S Vial
Data Engineering (ICDE), 2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on, 177-188, 2010
A scalable search engine for mass storage smart objects
N Anciaux, S Lallali, I Sandu Popa, P Pucheral
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (9), 910-921, 2015
Personal Database Security and Trusted Execution Environments: A Tutorial at the Crossroads
N Anciaux, L Bouganim, P Pucheral, I Sandu Popa, G Scerri
Supporting Secure Keyword Search in the Personal Cloud
S Lallali, N Anciaux, I Sandu Popa, P Pucheral
Information Systems, 2017
Text categorization for multi-label documents and many categories
I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni, G Gardarin, D Nakache, E Metais
Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2007. CBMS'07. Twentieth IEEE International …, 2007
PAMPAS: privacy-aware mobile participatory sensing using secure probes
DHT That, IS Popa, K Zeitouni, C Borcea
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Scientific and …, 2016
SEP2P: Secure and efficient P2P personal data processing
J Loudet, I Sandu-Popa, L Bouganim
22nd International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2019 …, 2019
An extensive and secure personal data management system using sgx
R Carpentier, F Thiant, IS Popa, N Anciaux, L Bouganim
EDBT 2022-25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 2022
TRIFL: A Generic Trajectory Index for Flash Storage
DH Ton That, I Sandu Popa, K Zeitouni
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 1 (2), 6, 2015
Distributed secure search in the personal cloud
TBT Le, N Anciaux, S Gilloton, S Lallali, P Pucheral, IS Popa, C Chen
EDBT 2016-19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology …, 2016
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Articles 1–20