Caroline G.L. Cao
Caroline G.L. Cao
IMT Atlantique
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Task and motion analyses in endoscopic surgery
CGL Cao, CL MacKenzie, S Payandeh
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 15281, 583-590, 1996
Achieving interface and environment fidelity in the Virtual Basic Laparoscopic Surgical Trainer
A Chellali, H Mentis, A Miller, W Ahn, VS Arikatla, G Sankaranarayanan, ...
International journal of human-computer studies 96, 22-37, 2016
Hierarchical decomposition of laparoscopic surgery: a human factors approach to investigating the operating room environment
L MacKenzie, JA Ibbotson, CGL Cao, AJ Lomax
Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 10 (3), 121-127, 2001
Effect of haptic feedback in laparoscopic surgery skill acquisition
M Zhou, S Tse, A Derevianko, DB Jones, SD Schwaitzberg, CGL Cao
Surgical endoscopy 26, 1128-1134, 2012
A systematic review of the effect of distraction on surgeon performance: directions for operating room policy and surgical training
HM Mentis, A Chellali, K Manser, CGL Cao, SD Schwaitzberg
Surgical endoscopy 30, 1713-1724, 2016
Effects of cognitive distraction on performance of laparoscopic surgical tasks
KH Goodell, CGL Cao, SD Schwaitzberg
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques 16 (2), 94-98, 2006
Can surgeons think and operate with haptics at the same time?
CGL Cao, M Zhou, DB Jones, SD Schwaitzberg
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 11 (11), 1564-1569, 2007
How much feedback is necessary for learning to suture?
A O’Connor, SD Schwaitzberg, CGL Cao
Surgical endoscopy 22, 1614-1619, 2008
Vibrotactile force feedback system for minimally invasive surgical procedures
RE Schoonmaker, CGL Cao
2006 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics 3, 2464-2469, 2006
Hierarchical decomposition of laparoscopic procedures
CGL Cao, CL MacKenzie, JA Ibbotson, LJ Turner, NP Blair, AG Nagy
Medicine meets virtual reality, 83-89, 1999
The effect of defined auditory conditions versus mental loading on the laparoscopic motor skill performance of experts
C Conrad, Y Konuk, P Werner, CG Cao, A Warshaw, D Rattner, DB Jones, ...
Surgical endoscopy 24, 1347-1352, 2010
The effect of stress on learning in surgical skill acquisition
JT Flinn, A Miller, N Pyatka, J Brewer, T Schneider, CGL Cao
Medical teacher 38 (9), 897-903, 2016
Disorientation in minimal access surgery: A case study
CGL Cao, P Milgram
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 44 …, 2000
Prevention of surgical skill decay
RS Perez, A Skinner, P Weyhrauch, J Niehaus, C Lathan, ...
Military medicine 178 (suppl_10), 76-86, 2013
Differences in day and night shift clinical performance in anesthesiology
CGL Cao, MB Weinger, J Slagle, C Zhou, J Ou, S Gillin, B Sheh, ...
Human factors 50 (2), 276-290, 2008
Identifying opportunities for virtual reality simulation in surgical education: a review of the proceedings from the innovation, design, and emerging alliances in surgery …
J Olasky, G Sankaranarayanan, NE Seymour, JH Magee, A Enquobahrie, ...
Surgical innovation 22 (5), 514-521, 2015
A quality improvement study on avoidable stressors and countermeasures affecting surgical motor performance and learning
C Conrad, Y Konuk, PD Werner, CG Cao, AL Warshaw, DW Rattner, ...
Annals of surgery 255 (6), 1190-1194, 2012
On defining metrics for assessing laparoscopic surgical skills in a virtual training environment
S Payandeh, AJ Lomax, J Dill, CL Mackenzie, CGL Cao
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 02/10, 334-340, 2002
Lowering communication barriers in operating room technology
JL Webster, CGL Cao
Human factors 48 (4), 747-758, 2006
Designing for spatial orientation in endoscopic environments
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 45 …, 2001
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Articles 1–20