Ann Forsyth
Ann Forsyth
Professor of Urban Planning, Harvard University
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Measuring the built environment for physical activity: state of the science
RC Brownson, CM Hoehner, K Day, A Forsyth, JF Sallis
American journal of preventive medicine 36 (4), S99-S123. e12, 2009
What is a walkable place? The walkability debate in urban design
A Forsyth
Urban design international 20, 274-292, 2015
Design and destinations: Factors influencing walking and total physical activity
A Forsyth, M Hearst, JM Oakes, KH Schmitz
Urban studies 45 (9), 1973-1996, 2008
Does residential density increase walking and other physical activity?
A Forsyth, JM Oakes, KH Schmitz, M Hearst
Urban studies 44 (4), 679-697, 2007
The Irvine–Minnesota inventory to measure built environments: development
K Day, M Boarnet, M Alfonzo, A Forsyth
American journal of preventive medicine 30 (2), 144-152, 2006
A gender agenda: New directions for planning theory
L Sandercock, A Forsyth
Journal of the American Planning Association 58 (1), 49-59, 1992
Cities afoot—Pedestrians, walkability and urban design
A Forsyth, M Southworth
Taylor & Francis Group 13 (1), 1-3, 2008
The built environment, walking, and physical activity: Is the environment more important to some people than others?
A Forsyth, JM Oakes, B Lee, KH Schmitz
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 14 (1), 42-49, 2009
Defining suburbs
A Forsyth
Journal of Planning Literature 27 (3), 270-281, 2012
Hot, congested, crowded and diverse: Emerging research agendas in planning
H Blanco, M Alberti, A Forsyth, KJ Krizek, DA Rodriguez, E Talen, C Ellis
Progress in Planning 71 (4), 153-205, 2009
The effects of neighborhood density and street connectivity on walking behavior: the Twin Cities walking study
JM Oakes, A Forsyth, KH Schmitz
Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations 4 (1), 16, 2007
Neighbourhood food environments: are they associated with adolescent dietary intake, food purchases and weight status?
MN Laska, MO Hearst, A Forsyth, KE Pasch, L Lytle
Public health nutrition 13 (11), 1757-1763, 2010
Explaining changes in walking and bicycling behavior: challenges for transportation research
KJ Krizek, SL Handy, A Forsyth
Environment and planning b: Planning and design 36 (4), 725-740, 2009
Seven American TODs: Good practices for urban design in transit-oriented development projects
J Jacobson, A Forsyth
Journal of transport and land use 1 (2), 51-88, 2008
The Irvine–Minnesota inventory to measure built environments: reliability tests
MG Boarnet, K Day, M Alfonzo, A Forsyth, M Oakes
American journal of preventive medicine 30 (2), 153-159. e43, 2006
Promoting walking and bicycling: assessing the evidence to assist planners
A Forsyth, KJ Krizek
Built environment 36 (4), 429-446, 2010
Designing small parks: a manual for addressing social and ecological concerns
A Forsyth, L Musacchio
John Wiley & Sons, 2005
Is there a role for evidence-based practice in urban planning and policy?
K Krizek, A Forysth, CS Slotterback
Planning Theory & Practice 10 (4), 459-478, 2009
Urban design: is there a distinctive view from the bicycle?
A Forsyth, K Krizek
Journal of urban design 16 (4), 531-549, 2011
Measuring density: working definitions for residential density and building intensity
A Forsyth
Design brief 9 (1), 2-8, 2003
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Articles 1–20