Christopher D Lippitt
Christopher D Lippitt
Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of New Mexico
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Cited by
Comparing the input, output, and validation maps for several models of land change
RG Pontius, W Boersma, JC Castella, K Clarke, T de Nijs, C Dietzel, ...
The annals of regional science 42, 11-37, 2008
Object‐based classification of residential land use within Accra, Ghana based on QuickBird satellite data
D Stow, A Lopez, C Lippitt, S Hinton, J Weeks
International journal of remote sensing 28 (22), 5167-5173, 2007
Google Earth Engine and artificial intelligence (AI): a comprehensive review
L Yang, J Driscol, S Sarigai, Q Wu, H Chen, CD Lippitt
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3253, 2022
Can error explain map differences over time?
RG Pontius Jr, CD Lippitt
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 33 (2), 159-171, 2006
Incorporating anthropogenic variables into a species distribution model to map gypsy moth risk
CD Lippitt, J Rogan, J Toledano, F Sangermano, JR Eastman, V Mastro, ...
ecological modelling 210 (3), 339-350, 2008
Connecting the dots between health, poverty and place in Accra, Ghana
JR Weeks, A Getis, DA Stow, AG Hill, D Rain, R Engstrom, J Stoler, ...
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102 (5), 932-941, 2012
Mapping selective logging in mixed deciduous forest
CD Lippitt, J Rogan, Z Li, JR Eastman, TG Jones
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 74 (10), 1201-1211, 2008
The impact of small unmanned airborne platforms on passive optical remote sensing: A conceptual perspective
CD Lippitt, S Zhang
International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (15-16), 4852-4868, 2018
Urban vegetation cover and vegetation change in Accra, Ghana: Connection to housing quality
DA Stow, JR Weeks, S Toure, LL Coulter, CD Lippitt, E Ashcroft
The Professional Geographer 65 (3), 451-465, 2013
Towards synoptic water monitoring systems: a review of AI methods for automating water body detection and water quality monitoring using remote sensing
L Yang, J Driscol, S Sarigai, Q Wu, CD Lippitt, M Morgan
Sensors 22 (6), 2416, 2022
Lessons and challenges in land change modeling derived from synthesis of cross-case comparisons
RG Pontius, JC Castella, T De Nijs, Z Duan, E Fotsing, N Goldstein, K Kok, ...
Trends in spatial analysis and modelling: Decision-support and planning …, 2018
Characterizing pavement surface distress conditions with hyper-spatial resolution natural color aerial photography
S Zhang, CD Lippitt, SM Bogus, PRH Neville
Remote Sensing 8 (5), 392, 2016
Woody biomass estimation in a southwestern US juniper savanna using lidar-derived clumped tree segmentation and existing allometries
DJ Krofcheck, ME Litvak, CD Lippitt, A Neuenschwander
Remote Sensing 8 (6), 453, 2016
Geographic object-based delineation of neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana using QuickBird satellite imagery
DA Stow, CD Lippitt, JR Weeks
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 76 (8), 907-914, 2010
Five ways to support interdisciplinary work before tenure
MH Benson, CD Lippitt, R Morrison, B Cosens, J Boll, BC Chaffin, ...
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 6, 260-267, 2016
A general deep learning model for bird detection in high‐resolution airborne imagery
BG Weinstein, L Garner, VR Saccomanno, A Steinkraus, A Ortega, ...
Ecological Applications 32 (8), e2694, 2022
Automatic evaluation of rebar spacing using LiDAR data
X Yuan, A Smith, R Sarlo, CD Lippitt, F Moreu
Automation in Construction 131, 103890, 2021
On the nature of models for time-sensitive remote sensing
CD Lippitt, DA Stow, KC Clarke
International journal of remote sensing 35 (18), 6815-6841, 2014
The accuracy of aerial triangulation products automatically generated from hyper-spatial resolution digital aerial photography
S Zhang, CD Lippitt, SM Bogus, AC Loerch, JO Sturm
Remote Sensing Letters 7 (2), 160-169, 2016
Frequency distribution signatures and classification of within-object pixels
DA Stow, SI Toure, CD Lippitt, CL Lippitt, C Lee
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 15, 49-56, 2012
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Articles 1–20