William Lachlan McCaw
William Lachlan McCaw
Senior Principal Research Scientist, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
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Project Vesta: fire in dry eucalypt forest: fuel structure, fuel dynamics and fire behaviour
JS Gould, WL McCaw, NP Cheney, PF Ellis, IK Knight, AL Sullivan
Csiro Publishing, 2008
Predicting fire behaviour in dry eucalypt forest in southern Australia
NP Cheney, JS Gould, WL McCaw, WR Anderson
Forest Ecology and Management 280, 120-131, 2012
Quantifying fine fuel dynamics and structure in dry eucalypt forest (Eucalyptus marginata) in Western Australia for fire management
JS Gould, WL McCaw, NP Cheney
Forest ecology and management 262 (3), 531-546, 2011
Fire regimes in Australian heathlands and their effects on plants and animals.
DA Keith, WL McCaw, RJ Whelan
Estimating fuel response time and predicting fuel moisture content from field data
EA Catchpole, WR Catchpole, NR Viney, WL McCaw, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire 10 (2), 215-222, 2001
Fuel, fire weather and fire behaviour in Australian ecosystems
AL Sullivan, WL McCaw, MG Cruz, S Matthews, PF Ellis
Flammable Australia: fire regimes, biodiversity and ecosystems in a changing …, 2012
Flame temperature and residence time of fires in dry eucalypt forest
BM Wotton, JS Gould, WL McCaw, NP Cheney, SW Taylor
International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (3), 270-281, 2011
Managing forest fuels using prescribed fire–a perspective from southern Australia
WL McCaw
Forest Ecology and Management 294, 217-224, 2013
Fire behaviour modelling in semi-arid mallee-heath shrublands of southern Australia
MG Cruz, WL McCaw, WR Anderson, JS Gould
Environmental Modelling & Software 40, 21-34, 2013
Cooperative development of equations for heathland fire behaviour
WR Catchpole, RA Bradstock, J Choate, LG Fogarty, N Gellie, G McCarthy, ...
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Forest Fire Research and 14th …, 1998
Field guide: fire in dry eucalypt forest: fuel assessment and fire behaviour prediction in dry eucalypt forest
JS Gould, WL McCaw, NP Cheney, PF Ellis, S Matthews
Empirical-based models for predicting head-fire rate of spread in Australian fuel types
MG Cruz, JS Gould, ME Alexander, AL Sullivan, WL McCaw, S Matthews
Australian Forestry 78 (3), 118-158, 2015
Atmospheric stability environments and fire weather in Australia: extending the Haines Index
GA Mills, WL McCaw
Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research 20, 158, 2010
Changes in behaviour of fire in dry eucalypt forest as fuel increases with age
WL McCaw, JS Gould, NP Cheney, PFM Ellis, WR Anderson
Forest Ecology and Management 271, 170-181, 2012
Vegetation and landscape connectivity control wildfire intervals in unmanaged semi‐arid shrublands and woodlands in Australia
AJ O’Donnell, MM Boer, WL McCaw, PF Grierson
Journal of Biogeography 38 (1), 112-124, 2011
Fire severity impacts on tree mortality and post-fire recruitment in tall eucalypt forests of southwest Australia
H Etchells, AJ O'Donnell, WL McCaw, PF Grierson
Forest Ecology and Management 459, 117850, 2020
A guide to rate of fire spread models for Australian vegetation
MG Cruz, JS Gould, ME Alexander, AL Sullivan, WL McCaw, S Matthews
Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council Limited and …, 2015
Predicting fire spread in Western Australian mallee-heath scrubland
WL McCaw
University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, 1997
Stand characteristics and fuel accumulation in a sequence of even-aged Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) stands in south-west Western Australia
WL McCaw, JE Neal, RH Smith
Forest ecology and management 158 (1-3), 263-271, 2002
Fuel characteristics and bushfire control in banksia low woodlands in Western Australia
ND Burrows, WL McCaw
Journal of Environmental Management 31 (3), 229-236, 1990
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