Alexandros Fragkiadakis
Alexandros Fragkiadakis
Researcher at FORTH-ICS
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Cited by
A survey on security threats and detection techniques in cognitive radio networks
AG Fragkiadakis, EZ Tragos, IG Askoxylakis
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 15 (1), 428-445, 2012
Spectrum assignment in cognitive radio networks: A comprehensive survey
EZ Tragos, S Zeadally, AG Fragkiadakis, VA Siris
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 15 (3), 1108-1135, 2013
Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G mobile technologies
CX Mavromoustakis, G Mastorakis, JM Batalla
Springer, 2016
Digitising the industry-internet of things connecting the physical, digital and virtual worlds
P Friess
River Publishers, 2016
Building the Hyperconnected Society
PF Ovidiu Vermesan
River Publishers, 2015
Enabling reliable and secure IoT-based smart city applications
EZ Tragos, V Angelakis, A Fragkiadakis, D Gundlegard, CS Nechifor, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication …, 2014
Firmware over-the-air programming techniques for IoT networks-A survey
K Arakadakis, P Charalampidis, A Makrogiannakis, A Fragkiadakis
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (9), 1-36, 2021
Ubiquitous robust communications for emergency response using multi-operator heterogeneous networks
AG Fragkiadakis, IG Askoxylakis, EZ Tragos, CV Verikoukis
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 1-16, 2011
Anomaly‐based intrusion detection of jamming attacks, local versus collaborative detection
AG Fragkiadakis, VA Siris, NE Petroulakis, AP Traganitis
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 15 (2), 276-294, 2015
Adaptive compressive sensing for energy efficient smart objects in IoT applications
A Fragkiadakis, P Charalampidis, E Tragos
2014 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular …, 2014
Design and performance evaluation of a lightweight wireless early warning intrusion detection prototype
AG Fragkiadakis, EZ Tragos, T Tryfonas, IG Askoxylakis
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 1-18, 2012
A lightweight framework for secure life-logging in smart environments
NE Petroulakis, EZ Tragos, AG Fragkiadakis, G Spanoudakis
information security technical report 17 (3), 58-70, 2013
ECDSA on things: IoT integrity protection in practise
J Bauer, RC Staudemeyer, HC Pöhls, A Fragkiadakis
Information and Communications Security: 18th International Conference …, 2016
Effective and robust detection of jamming attacks
AG Fragkiadakis, VA Siris, AP Traganitis
2010 Future Network & Mobile Summit, 1-8, 2010
Federation of Internet of Things testbeds for the realization of a semantically-enabled multi-domain data marketplace
L Sánchez, J Lanza, JR Santana, R Agarwal, PG Raverdy, T Elsaleh, ...
Sensors 18 (10), 3375, 2018
Anomaly-based intrusion detection algorithms for wireless networks
AG Fragkiadakis, VA Siris, N Petroulakis
International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, 192-203, 2010
Joint compressed-sensing and matrix-completion for efficient data collection in WSNs
A Fragkiadakis, I Askoxylakis, E Tragos
2013 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design …, 2013
Designing secure iot architectures for smart city applications
E Tragos, A Fragkiadakis, V Angelakis, HC Pöhls
Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities: Urban Design to IoT …, 2017
Securing cognitive wireless sensor networks: A survey
A Fragkiadakis, V Angelakis, EZ Tragos
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 10 (3), 393248, 2014
The impact of interference on the performance of a multi-path metropolitan wireless mesh network
EZ Tragos, A Fragkiadakis, I Askoxylakis, VA Siris
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 199-204, 2011
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Articles 1–20