Christopher Otto
Cited by
Cited by
Comparison between fluidic oscillators and steady jets for separation control
C Otto, P Tewes, JC Little, R Woszidlo
AIAA Journal 57 (12), 5220-5229, 2019
Comparison of various fluidic oscillators for separation control on a wall-mounted hump
C Otto, P Tewes, JC Little, R Woszidlo
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 0884, 2019
Momentum coefficient governing discrete jet actuation for separation control
C Otto, JC Little, B Rafferty, R Woszidlo
AIAA Journal 60 (2), 809-822, 2022
Experimental investigation of sound field decomposition with higher order modes in rectangular ducts
C Weng, C Otto, L Peerlings, L Enghardt, F Bake
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3035, 2016
Connection Between Flow Structure and Separation Control for Various Fluidic Oscillator Spacings
C Otto, JC Little, R Woszidlo
AIAA Journal 60 (7), 4227-4239, 2022
Scaling and flow field mechanisms of discrete jet forcing for separation control
C Otto
Flow Physics and Scaling for Discrete Jet Forcing on a Wall-Mounted Hump
C Otto, J Little, R Woszidlo
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, P26. 006, 2019
Experimental investigation of sound field decomposition with
C Weng, C Otto, L Peerlings, L Enghardt, F Bake
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2016, 30 May 2016 through 1 June 2016, 2016
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Articles 1–8