Jun Zang
Cited by
Cited by
Numerical Investigation of Wave-Structure Interaction using OpenFOAM
LF Chen, J Zang, A J Hillis, GCJ Morgan, AR Plummer
Ocean Engineering 88, 91-109, 2014
Investigation on the effects of Bragg reflection on harbor oscillations
J Gao, X Ma, G Dong, H Chen, Q Liu, J Zang
Coastal Engineering 170, 103977, 2021
Numerical investigation of harbor oscillations induced by focused transient wave groups
J Gao, X Ma, J Zang, G Dong, X Ma, Y Zhu, L Zhou
Coastal Engineering 158, 103670, 2020
Free-surface evolution and wave kinematics for nonlinear uni-directional focused wave groups
DZ Ning, J Zang, SX Liu, RE Taylor, B Teng, PH Taylor
Ocean Engineering 36 (15-16), 1226-1243, 2009
Optimal design and performance analysis of a hybrid system combing a floating wind platform and wave energy converters
J Hu, B Zhou, C Vogel, P Liu, R Willden, K Sun, J Zang, J Geng, P Jin, ...
Applied energy 269, 114998, 2020
Phase manipulation and the harmonic components of ringing forces on a surface-piercing column
CJ Fitzgerald, PH Taylor, R Eatock Taylor, J Grice, J Zang
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical Physical …, 2014
Unsteady RANS computations of flow around a circular cylinder for a wide range of Reynolds numbers
RM Stringer, J Zang, AJ Hillis
Ocean Engineering 87, 1-9, 2014
Focused waves and wave–structure interaction in a numerical wave tank
J Westphalen, DM Greaves, CJK Williams, AC Hunt-Raby, J Zang
Ocean engineering 45, 9-21, 2012
Hydrodynamic performance of a floating breakwater as an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter
H Zhang, B Zhou, C Vogel, R Willden, J Zang, L Zhang
Applied energy 257, 113996, 2020
Hydrodynamic performance of a dual-floater hybrid system combining a floating breakwater and an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter
H Zhang, B Zhou, C Vogel, R Willden, J Zang, J Geng
Applied energy 259, 114212, 2020
Steep wave and breaking wave impact on offshore wind turbine foundations–ringing re-visited
J Zang, PH Taylor, G Morgan, R Stringer, J Orszaghova, J Grice, M Tello
25th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, 9-12, 2010
On hydrodynamic characteristics of gap resonance between two fixed bodies in close proximity
J Gao, J Zang, L Chen, Q Chen, H Ding, Y Liu
Ocean Engineering 173, 28-44, 2019
Numerical simulation of non-linear regular and focused waves in an infinite water-depth
DZ Ning, B Teng, RE Taylor, J Zang
Ocean Engineering 35 (8-9), 887-899, 2008
Wave-induced pore pressure responses and soil liquefaction around pile foundation
XJ Li, FP Gao, B Yang, J Zang
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 21 (03), 2011
Numerical investigation on effects of fringing reefs on low-frequency oscillations within a harbor
J Gao, X Zhou, L Zhou, J Zang, H Chen
Ocean engineering 172, 86-95, 2019
Using the rasInterFoam CFD model for wave transformation and coastal modelling
GCJ Morgan, J Zang, D Greaves, A Heath, C Whitlow, J Young
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 23-23, 2011
A blind comparative study of focused wave interactions with a fixed FPSO-like structure (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 1)
E Ransley, S Yan, SA Brown, T Mai, D Graham, Q Ma, PH Musiedlak, ...
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 29 (02), 113-127, 2019
An experimental decomposition of nonlinear forces on a surface-piercing column: Stokes-type expansions of the force harmonics
LF Chen, J Zang, PH Taylor, L Sun, GCJ Morgan, J Grice, J Orszaghova, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 848, 42-77, 2018
Shallow flow simulation on dynamically adaptive cut cell quadtree grids
Q Liang, J Zang, AGL Borthwick, PH Taylor
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 53 (12), 1777-1799, 2007
A blind comparative study of focused wave interactions with floating structures (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3)
E Ransley, S Yan, S Brown, M Hann, D Graham, C Windt, P Schmitt, ...
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 30 (01), 1-10, 2020
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Articles 1–20