Ángel M. Felicísimo (ORCID:0000-0002-9953-8614)
Ángel M. Felicísimo (ORCID:0000-0002-9953-8614)
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Cited by
Cited by
Wind as a long-distance dispersal vehicle in the Southern Hemisphere
J Munoz, AM Felicisimo, F Cabezas, AR Burgaz, I Martinez
Science 304 (5674), 1144-1147, 2004
Modelos digitales del terreno
ÁM Felicísimo
Pentalfa, 1994
Mapping landslide susceptibility with logistic regression, multiple adaptive regression splines, classification and regression trees, and maximum entropy methods: a comparative …
ÁM Felicísimo, A Cuartero, J Remondo, E Quirós
Landslides 10, 175-189, 2013
Modelos de distribución de especies: Una revisión sintética
RG Mateo, ÁM Felicísimo, J Muñoz
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 84 (2), 217-240, 2011
Comparison of statistical methods commonly used in predictive modelling
J Muñoz, ÁM Felicísimo
Journal of Vegetation Science 15 (2), 285-292, 2004
Profile or group discriminative techniques? Generating reliable species distribution models using pseudo‐absences and target‐group absences from natural history collections
RG Mateo, TB Croat, ÁM Felicísimo, J Muñoz
Diversity and Distributions 16 (1), 84-94, 2010
Ocean surface winds drive dynamics of transoceanic aerial movements
ÁM Felicísimo, J Muñoz, J González-Solis
PLoS one 3 (8), e2928, 2008
Parametric statistical method for error detection in digital elevation models
AM Felicísimo
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 49 (4), 29-33, 1994
Influence of sea surface winds on shearwater migration detours
J González-Solís, A Felicísimo, JW Fox, V Afanasyev, Y Kolbeinsson, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 391, 221-230, 2009
Modelling the occurrence of gullies in rangelands of southwest Spain
A Gomez Gutierrez, S Schnabel, ÁM Felicísimo
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2009
Do stacked species distribution models reflect altitudinal diversity patterns?
RG Mateo, ÁM Felicísimo, J Pottier, A Guisan, J Munoz
PLoS One 7 (3), e32586, 2012
Modeling the potential distribution of forests with a GIS
AM Felicísimo, E Francés, JM Fernández, A González-Díez, J Varas
Photogrammetric Engineering and remote sensing 68 (5), 455-461, 2002
Effects of the number of presences on reliability and stability of MARS species distribution models: the importance of regional niche variation and ecological heterogeneity
RG Mateo, ÁM Felicísimo, J Muñoz
Journal of Vegetation Science 21 (5), 908-922, 2010
Testing multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) as a method of land cover classification of TERRA-ASTER satellite images
E Quirós, ÁM Felicísimo, A Cuartero
Sensors 9 (11), 9011-9028, 2009
A new spin on a compositionalist predictive modelling framework for conservation planning: A tropical case study in Ecuador
RG Mateo, M de la Estrella, ÁM Felicísimo, J Muñoz, A Guisan
Biological Conservation 160, 150-161, 2013
Analysis of uncertainty and repeatability of a low-cost 3D laser scanner
ME Polo, ÁM Felicísimo
Sensors 12 (7), 9046-9054, 2012
Impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático de la biodiversidad española
AM Felicısimo, J Munoz, CJ Villalba, RG Mateo
Flora y vegetación. Oficina Espanola de Cambio Climático, Ministerio de …, 2011
Accuracy, reliability, and depuration of SPOT HRV and Terra ASTER digital elevation models
A Cuartero, AM Felicisimo, FJ Ariza
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43 (2), 404-407, 2005
Impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático de la biodiversidad española. 2. Flora y vegetación
ÁM Felicísimo, J Muñoz, CJ Villalba, RG Mateo
Oficina Española de Cambio Climático, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio …, 2011
Species distributions models: A synthetic revision
R Mateo, Á Felicícimo, J Munoz
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. Volume 84, Issue 2, Pages 217-240, 2011
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Articles 1–20