Md. Jahangir Alam
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Cited by
Effect of Non-Plastic Silt Content on Liquefaction Behavior of Sand-Silt Mixture
ME Karim, MJ Alam
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 65, 142-150, 2014
Effect of Nonplastic Silt Content on Undrained Shear Strength of Sand-Silt Mixtures
ME Karim, MJ Alam
International Journal of Geo-Engineering 8 (14), 2016
Model Tests on Behaviour of Gravity-Type Quay Walls Subjected to Strong Shaking
I Towhata, MJ Alam, T Honda, S Tamate
Bulletin of The New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 42, No …, 2009
Model Tests on Behaviour of Gravity-Type Quay Walls Subjected To Strong Shaking
I Towhata, MJ Alam, T Honda, S Tamate
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Workshop, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2006
Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction of Gravity Quay Wall and Effect of Densification in Liquefiable Sites
MA Taiyab, MJ Alam, MZ Abedin
International Journal of Geomechanics 14 (1), 20-33, 2014
Effect of salinity of water in lime‑fly ash treated sand
ME Karim, MJ Alam
International Journal of Geo-Engineering 8 (15), 2017
Growth performance of 37 species raised in the embankments of eastern, central and western coastal belts of Bangladesh
P Nandy, MR Haider, MR Islam, MJ Alam, MG Moula, MA Habib
Research Bulletin. Coastal Greenbelt Project, Bangladesh Forest Department, 41, 2002
Undrained Monotonic and Cyclic Response of Sand-Silt Mixtures
ME Karim, MJ Alam
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 10 (3), 223-235, 2016
Correlation between Dynamic Cone Resistance and Relative Density of Sand
MJ Alam, MS Hossain, AK Azad
Journal of Civil Engineering 42 (1), 63-76, 2014
Dynamic Properties and Liquefaction Potential of a Sandy Soil Containing Silt
HM Mominul, MJ Alam, MA Ansary, ME Karim
18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering …, 2013
Establishment of mangrove seed production area for Sonneratia apetala
P Nandy, MJ Alam, MR Haider
Journal of Tropical Forest Science 16 (3), 363-368, 2004
Seismic behavior of a quay wall without and with a damage mitigation measure
MJ Alam, I Towhata, TH Wassan
Geo-frontiers 2005, Austin, Texas, USA, 2005
Seismic behavior of a quay wall without and with a damage mitigation measure
MJ Alam, I Towhata, TH Wassan
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics - GeoFrontiers 2005, ASCE …, 2005
Geological Aspects of Soil Formation of Bangladesh
MS Islam, MJ Alam
Bangladesh Geotechnical Conference 2009 (BGC-2009), December 2009, Dhaka …, 2009
Groundwater vulnerability assessment through a modified DRASTI-LU framework: case study of Saiss Basin in Morocco
A Lahjouj, AE Hmaidi, A Essahlaoui, MJB Alam, MSA Siddiquee, ...
Earth Systems and Environment, 1-18, 2022
Earthquake Damage Mitigation of Existing Gravity Type Caisson Quay Wall by Sand Compaction Piles
MJ Alam, I Towhata, H Sato
39th Annual Conference of Japanese Geotechnical Society, Niigata, Japan 2 …, 2004
Foundations on Soft Soils for Khulna Medical College Buildings In Bangladesh
MH Kabir, MJ Alam, AM Hamid, AKM Akhtaruzzaman
International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering …, 2000
Effect of storage containers and lengths of storage on the germination, moisture content and pest infestation of wheat seed
M Golam Azam, M Sohidul Islam, K Hasan, M Kaum Choudhury, ...
" Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary …, 2019
Some Important Aspects of Physical Modelling of Liquefaction in 1-g Shaking Table
MJ Alam, I Towhata
Seismic Engineering Conference Commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio …, 2008
A Parametric Study of Anchored Earth Wall by Finite Element Method
MJ Alam, MSA Sididiquee
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2014
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Articles 1–20