Curtis Rueden
Cited by
Cited by
Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis
J Schindelin, I Arganda-Carreras, E Frise, V Kaynig, M Longair, T Pietzsch, ...
Nature methods 9 (7), 676-682, 2012
ImageJ2: ImageJ for the next generation of scientific image data
CT Rueden, J Schindelin, MC Hiner, BE DeZonia, AE Walter, ET Arena, ...
BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-26, 2017
The ImageJ ecosystem: An open platform for biomedical image analysis
J Schindelin, CT Rueden, MC Hiner, KW Eliceiri
Molecular reproduction and development 82 (7-8), 518-529, 2015
Trainable Weka Segmentation: a machine learning tool for microscopy pixel classification
I Arganda-Carreras, V Kaynig, C Rueden, KW Eliceiri, J Schindelin, ...
Bioinformatics 33 (15), 2424-2426, 2017
Collagen density promotes mammary tumor initiation and progression
PP Provenzano, DR Inman, KW Eliceiri, JG Knittel, L Yan, CT Rueden, ...
BMC medicine 6, 1-15, 2008
Improved structure, function and compatibility for CellProfiler: modular high-throughput image analysis software
L Kamentsky, TR Jones, A Fraser, MA Bray, DJ Logan, KL Madden, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (8), 1179-1180, 2011
Metadata matters: access to image data in the real world
M Linkert, CT Rueden, C Allan, JM Burel, W Moore, A Patterson, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 189 (5), 777-782, 2010
714 Saalfeld S, Schmid B, Tinevez JY, White DJ, Hartenstein V, Eliceiri K, Tomancak P, Cardona A. 2012. 715 Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis
J Schindelin, I Arganda-Carreras, E Frise, V Kaynig, M Longair, T Pietzsch, ...
Nat Methods 9, 676-682, 0
The ImageJ ecosystem: Open‐source software for image visualization, processing, and analysis
AB Schroeder, ETA Dobson, CT Rueden, P Tomancak, F Jug, KW Eliceiri
Protein Science 30 (1), 234-249, 2021
Assessing microscope image focus quality with deep learning
SJ Yang, M Berndl, D Michael Ando, M Barch, A Narayanaswamy, ...
BMC bioinformatics 19, 1-9, 2018
Tools for visualizing multidimensional images from living specimens
KW Eliceiri, C Rueden
Photochemistry and photobiology 81 (5), 1116-1122, 2005
Quantitating the cell: turning images into numbers with ImageJ
ET Arena, CT Rueden, MC Hiner, S Wang, M Yuan, KW Eliceiri
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Developmental Biology 6 (2), e260, 2017
Nat Methods
J Schindelin, I Arganda-Carreras, E Frise, V Kaynig, M Longair, T Pietzsch, ...
Nat Methods 9 (7), 2012
Visualization approaches for multidimensional biological image data
CT Rueden, KW Eliceiri
BioTechniques 43 (S1), S31-S36, 2007
Nonlinear optical imaging and spectral-lifetime computational analysis of endogenous and exogenous fluorophores in breast cancer
PP Provenzano, CT Rueden, SM Trier, L Yan, SM Ponik, DR Inman, ...
Journal of Biomedical Optics 13 (3), 031220-031220-11, 2008
S. 580 Saalfeld, B
J Schindelin, I Arganda-Carreras, E Frise, V Kaynig, M Longair, T Pietzsch, ...
Schmid, JY Tinevez, DJ White, V. Hartenstein, K. Eliceiri, P. Tomancak, A …, 2012
VisBio: a computational tool for visualization of multidimensional biological image data
C Rueden, KW Eliceiri, JG White
Traffic 5 (6), 411-417, 2004
Integration of the ImageJ ecosystem in Knime analytics platform
C Dietz, CT Rueden, S Helfrich, ETA Dobson, M Horn, J Eglinger, ...
Frontiers in computer science 2, 8, 2020
FLIMJ: An open-source ImageJ toolkit for fluorescence lifetime image data analysis
D Gao, PR Barber, JV Chacko, MA Kader Sagar, CT Rueden, AR Grislis, ...
PloS one 15 (12), e0238327, 2020
ImageJ for the next generation of scientific image data
CT Rueden, KW Eliceiri
Microscopy and microanalysis 25 (S2), 142-143, 2019
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Articles 1–20