Jari Perttunen
Jari Perttunen
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LIGNUM: a tree model based on simple structural units
J Perttunen, RS Änen, E Nikinmaa, H Salminen, H Saarenmaa
Annals of botany 77 (1), 87-98, 1996
Components of functional-structural tree models
R Sievänen, E Nikinmaa, P Nygren, H Ozier-Lafontaine, J Perttunen, ...
Annals of forest science 57 (5), 399-412, 2000
LIGNUM: a model combining the structure and the functioning of trees
J Perttunen, R Sievänen, E Nikinmaa
Ecological modelling 108 (1-3), 189-198, 1998
Loading and gait symmetry during level and stair walking in asymptomatic subjects with knee osteoarthritis: importance of quadriceps femoris in reducing impact force during …
T Liikavainio, J Isolehto, HJ Helminen, J Perttunen, V Lepola, I Kiviranta, ...
The knee 14 (3), 231-238, 2007
Application of the functional-structural tree model LIGNUM to sugar maple saplings (Acer saccharum Marsh) growing in forest gaps
J Perttunen, E Nikinmaa, MJ Lechowicz, R Sievänen, C Messier
Annals of Botany 88 (3), 471-481, 2001
Shoot growth and crown development: effect of crown position in three-dimensional simulations
E Nikinmaa, C Messier, R Sievänen, J Perttunen, M Lehtonen
Tree Physiology 23 (2), 129-136, 2003
Crown architecture of grafted Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.): shoot growth and bud differentiation
S Mutke, R Sievänen, E Nikinmaa, J Perttunen, L Gil
Trees 19, 15-25, 2005
Toward extension of a single tree functional–structural model of Scots pine to stand level: effect of the canopy of randomly distributed, identical trees on development of tree …
R Sievänen, J Perttunen, E Nikinmaa, P Kaitaniemi
Functional Plant Biology 35 (10), 964-975, 2008
Incorporating Lindenmayer systems for architectural development in a functional-structural tree model
J Perttunen, R Sievänen
Ecological modelling 181 (4), 479-491, 2005
Evaluation of importance of sapwood senescence on tree growth using the model LIGNUM
R Sievänen, E Nikinmaa, J Perttunen
Silva Fennica 31, 329-340, 1997
Models of 3D crown structure for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and silver birch (Betula pendula) grown in mixed forest
A Lintunen, R Sievänen, P Kaitaniemi, J Perttunen
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (9), 1779-1794, 2011
Adaptation of the LIGNUM model for simulations of growth and light response in Jack pine
E Lo, ZM Wang, M Lechowicz, C Messier, E Nikinmaa, J Perttunen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 150 (3), 279-291, 2001
Contributions of leaf photosynthetic capacity, leaf angle and self-shading to the maximization of net photosynthesis in Acer saccharum: a modelling assessment
JM Posada, R Sievänen, C Messier, J Perttunen, E Nikinmaa, ...
Annals of botany 110 (3), 731-741, 2012
Modelling trees using an object-oriented scheme
H Salminen, H Saarenmaa, J Perttunen, R Sievänen, J Väkevä, ...
Mathematical and computer modelling 20 (8), 49-64, 1994
The LIGNUM functional-structural tree model
J Perttunen
Teknillinen korkeakoulu, 2009
Enhanced possibilities for analyzing tree structure as provided by an interface between different modelling systems
H Dzierzon, R Sievänen, W Kurth, J Perttunen, B Sloboda
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2003
Invited talk: Functional structural plant models-case lignum
R Sievänen, J Perttunen, E Nikinmaa, JM Posada
2009 third international symposium on plant growth modeling, simulation …, 2009
Analysing species-specific light transmission and related crown characteristics of Pinus sylvestris and Betula pendula using a shoot-level 3D model
A Lintunen, P Kaitaniemi, J Perttunen, R Sievänen
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43 (10), 929-938, 2013
Application of the functional-structural tree model LIGNUM to growth simulation of short-rotation eastern cottonwood
M Lu, P Nygren, J Perttunen, SG Pallardy, DR Larsen
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2011
A computer-based tool to link decay information to 3D architecture of urban trees
T Heikura, M Terho, J Perttunen, R Sievänen
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 7 (4), 233-239, 2008
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Articles 1–20