Domenico Gaglione
Domenico Gaglione
Research Scientist, NATO STO CMRE
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Cited by
Automatic target recognition of military vehicles with Krawtchouk moments
C Clemente, L Pallotta, D Gaglione, A De Maio, JJ Soraghan
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 53 (1), 493-500, 2017
On model, algorithms, and experiment for micro-Doppler-based recognition of ballistic targets
AR Persico, C Clemente, D Gaglione, CV Ilioudis, J Cao, L Pallotta, ...
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 53 (3), 1088-1108, 2017
Fractional Fourier based waveform for a joint radar-communication system
D Gaglione, C Clemente, CV Ilioudis, AR Persico, IK Proudler, ...
2016 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), 811-816, 2016
Waveform design for communicating radar systems using fractional Fourier transform
D Gaglione, C Clemente, CV Ilioudis, AR Persico, IK Proudler, ...
Digital Signal Processing 80, 57-69, 2018
Adaptive Bayesian learning and forecasting of epidemic evolution—Data analysis of the COVID-19 outbreak
D Gaglione, P Braca, LM Millefiori, G Soldi, N Forti, S Marano, PK Willett, ...
IEEE Access 8, 175244-175264, 2020
Space-based global maritime surveillance. Part I: Satellite technologies
G Soldi, D Gaglione, N Forti, A Di Simone, FC Daffiną, G Bottini, ...
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 36 (9), 8-28, 2021
Belief propagation based AIS/radar data fusion for multi-target tracking
D Gaglione, P Braca, G Soldi
2018 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2143-2150, 2018
Space-based global maritime surveillance. Part II: Artificial intelligence and data fusion techniques
G Soldi, D Gaglione, N Forti, LM Millefiori, P Braca, S Carniel, ...
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 36 (9), 30-42, 2021
Bayesian information fusion and multitarget tracking for maritime situational awareness
D Gaglione, G Soldi, F Meyer, F Hlawatsch, P Braca, A Farina, MZ Win
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 14 (12), 1845-1857, 2020
Fusion of sensor measurements and target-provided information in multitarget tracking
D Gaglione, P Braca, G Soldi, F Meyer, F Hlawatsch, M Win
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021
Model-based sparse recovery method for automatic classification of helicopters
D Gaglione, C Clemente, F Coutts, G Li, JJ Soraghan
2015 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon), 1161-1165, 2015
Cooperative localization and multitarget tracking in agent networks with the sum-product algorithm
M Brambilla, D Gaglione, G Soldi, R Mendrzik, G Ferri, KD LePage, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing 3, 169-195, 2022
Quickest detection of COVID-19 pandemic onset
P Braca, D Gaglione, S Marano, LM Millefiori, P Willett, KR Pattipati
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 28, 683-687, 2021
Quickest detection and forecast of pandemic outbreaks: Analysis of COVID-19 waves
G Soldi, N Forti, D Gaglione, P Braca, LM Millefiori, S Marano, P Willett, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (9), 16-22, 2021
Classification-aided multitarget tracking using the sum-product algorithm
D Gaglione, G Soldi, P Braca, G De Magistris, F Meyer, F Hlawatsch
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 27, 1710-1714, 2020
Decision support for the quickest detection of critical COVID-19 phases
P Braca, D Gaglione, S Marano, LM Millefiori, P Willett, K Pattipati
Scientific Reports 11, 1-13, 2021
GNSS based passive bistatic radar for micro-Doppler based classification of helicopters: Experimental validation
C Clemente, T Parry, G Galston, P Hammond, C Berry, C Ilioudis, ...
2015 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon), 1104-1108, 2015
Krogager decomposition and pseudo-Zernike moments for polarimetric distributed ATR
D Gaglione, C Clemente, L Pallotta, I Proudler, A De Maio, JJ Soraghan
2014 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), 2014
Reuse of fractional waveform libraries for MIMO radar and electronic countermeasures
C Clemente, C Ilioudis, D Gaglione, K Thompson, S Weiss, I Proudler, ...
2014 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal …, 2014
Fractional Fourier transform based Co-Radar waveform: Experimental validation
D Gaglione, C Clemente, AR Persico, CV Ilioudis, IK Proudler, ...
2016 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), 2016
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Articles 1–20