Hristina Uzunova
Hristina Uzunova
Institute of Medical Informatics, University of Lübeck
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Cited by
Training CNNs for image registration from few samples with model-based data augmentation
H Uzunova, M Wilms, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2017
Unsupervised pathology detection in medical images using conditional variational autoencoders
H Uzunova, S Schultz, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 14, 451-461, 2019
Memory-efficient GAN-based domain translation of high resolution 3D medical images
H Uzunova, J Ehrhardt, H Handels
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 86, 101801, 2020
Interpretable explanations of black box classifiers applied on medical images by meaningful perturbations using variational autoencoders
H Uzunova, J Ehrhardt, T Kepp, H Handels
Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing 10949, 264-271, 2019
Multi-scale GANs for Memory-efficient Generation of High Resolution Medical Images
H Uzunova, J Ehrhardt, F Jacob, A Frydrychowicz, H Handels
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.01376, 2019
Generation of annotated brain tumor MRIs with tumor-induced tissue deformations for training and assessment of neural networks
H Uzunova, J Ehrhardt, H Handels
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd …, 2020
Temporal polyrigid registration for patch-based MPI reconstruction of moving objects
J Ehrhardt, M Ahlborg, H Uzunova, TM Buzug, H Handels
International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI 5 (1-2), 2019
A systematic comparison of generative models for medical images
H Uzunova, M Wilms, ND Forkert, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 17 (7 …, 2022
Unsupervised pathology detection in medical images using learning-based methods
H Uzunova, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018: Algorithmen-Systeme-Anwendungen …, 2018
Guided filter regularization for improved disentanglement of shape and appearance in diffeomorphic autoencoders
H Uzunova, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 774-786, 2021
Image registration and appearance adaptation in non-correspondent image regions for new ms lesions detection
J Andresen, H Uzunova, J Ehrhardt, T Kepp, H Handels
Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 981523, 2022
Quantitative comparison of generative shape models for medical images
H Uzunova, P Kaftan, M Wilms, ND Forkert, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020: Algorithmen–Systeme–Anwendungen …, 2020
Synthesis of annotated pathological retinal OCT data with pathology-induced deformations
H Uzunova, L Basso, J Ehrhardt, H Handels
Medical Imaging 2022: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 12033, 922-927, 2022
Evaluation of Image Processing Methods for Clinical Applications: Mimicking Clinical Data Using Conditional GANs
H Uzunova, S Schultz, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019: Algorithmen–Systeme–Anwendungen …, 2019
Deep-learning-based feature encoding of clinical parameters for patient specific CTA dose optimization
M Fleitmann, H Uzunova, AM Stroth, J Gerlach, A Fürschke, J Barkhausen, ...
Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: 9th EAI International …, 2021
Analysis of Generative Shape Modeling Approaches: Latent Space Properties and Interpretability
H Uzunova, J Kruse, P Kaftan, M Wilms, ND Forkert, H Handels, ...
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021: Proceedings, German Workshop on …, 2021
Robust groupwise affine registration of medical images with stochastic optimization
H Uzunova, H Handels, J Ehrhardt
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017: Algorithmen-Systeme-Anwendungen …, 2017
Generative Deep Learning Modelle für die automatische Analyse und Synthese von medizinischen Bilddaten mit pathologischen Strukturen
H Uzunova
Dissertation, Universität zu Lübeck, 2021
New multiple sclerosis lesion detection with convolutional neural registration networks
J Andresen, H Uzunova, J Ehrhardt, H Handels
MSSEG-2 Challenge Proceedings: Multiple Sclerosis New Lesions Segmentation …, 2021
TSynD: Targeted Synthetic Data Generation for Enhanced Medical Image Classification: Leveraging Epistemic Uncertainty to Improve Model Performance
J Niemeijer, J Ehrhardt, H Uzunova, H Handels
International Workshop on Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging, 69-78, 2024
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Articles 1–20