Mack Thetford
Mack Thetford
Associate Professor of Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida
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Evaluation of sand fence and vegetation for dune building following overwash by Hurricane Opal on Santa Rosa Island, Florida
DL Miller, M Thetford, L Yager
Journal of Coastal Research, 936-948, 2001
Potential Use of Uniola paniculata Rhizome Fragments for Dune Restoration
DL Miller, L Yager, M Thetford, M Schneider
Restoration Ecology 11 (3), 359-369, 2003
Effects of root morphology on nursery and first-year field growth of rooted cuttings of loblolly pine
B Goldfarb, SE Surles, M Thetford, FA Blazich
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 22 (4), 231-234, 1998
Ornamental landscape performance of native and nonnative grasses under low-input conditions
M Thetford, JG Norcini, B Ballard, JH Aldrich
HortTechnology 19 (2), 267-285, 2009
Response of Forsythia× intermediaSpectabilis' to Uniconazole. II. Leaf and Stem Anatomy, Chlorophyll, and Photosynthesis
M Thetford, SL Warren, FA Blazich, JF Thomas
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 120 (6), 983-988, 1995
Distance from the Gulf influences survival and growth of three barrier island dune plants
DL Miller, M Thetford, M Schneider
Journal of Coastal Research, 261-266, 2008
Fire Season Effects on Flowering Characteristics and Germination of Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Savanna Grasses
BJ Shepherd, DL Miller, M Thetford
Restoration Ecology 20 (2), 268-276, 2012
Growth, flowering, and survival of black-eyed susan from different regional seed sources.
JG Norcini, M Thetford, KA Klock-Moore, ML Bell, BK Harbaugh, ...
Propagation of 4 Florida coastal dune species
M Thetford, D Miller
Native Plants Journal 3 (2), 112-120, 2002
Whole-plant response of selected woody landscape species to uniconazole
SL Warren, FA Blazich, M Thetford
Journal of Environmental Horticulture 9 (3), 163-167, 1991
Effect of root competition and shade on survival and growth of nine woody plant taxa within a pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) C. Koch] alley cropping system
EH Fletcher, M Thetford, J Sharma, S Jose
Agroforestry systems 86, 49-60, 2012
Container size and planting zone influence on transplant survival and growth of two coastal plants
M Thetford, D Miller, K Smith, M Schneider
HortTechnology 15 (3), 554-559, 2005
Herbicide use in propagation: effects on rooting and root growth of stem cuttings
M Thetford, CH Gilliam
Journal of Environmental Horticulture 9 (1), 21-23, 1991
Seed germination of Rhododendron chapmanii: influence of light and temperature
LO Arocha, FA Blazich, SL Warren, M Thetford, JB Berry
Journal of Environmental Horticulture 17 (4), 193-196, 1999
Production physiology of three native shrubs intercropped in a young longleaf pine plantation
DL Hagan, S Jose, M Thetford, K Bohn
Agroforestry systems 76, 283-294, 2009
Evaluation of 14 butterfly bush taxa grown in western and southern Florida: II. Seed production and germination
SB Wilson, LK Mecca, JA Gersony, M Thetford, JS Raymer
HortTechnology 14 (4), 612-618, 2004
Health and establishment of highway plantings in Florida (United States)
SA Blair, AK Koeser, GW Knox, LA Roman, M Thetford, DR Hilbert
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 43, 126384, 2019
If you build it, will they come? Use of restored dunes by beach mice
MA Stoddard, DL Miller, M Thetford, LC Branch
Restoration Ecology 27 (3), 531-537, 2019
Response of Forsythia× itermediaSpectabilis' to Uniconazol. I. Growth; Dry-matter Distribution; and Mineral Nutrient Content, Concentration, and Partitioning
M Thetford, SL Warren, FA Blazich
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 120 (6), 977-982, 1995
Evaluation of 14 butterfly bush taxa grown in western and southern Florida: I. Visual quality, growth, and development
SB Wilson, LK Mecca, M Thetford, JS Raymer
HortTechnology 14 (4), 605-612, 2004
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Articles 1–20