Jing WU
Jing WU
Professor, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University
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Evaluating conditions in major Chinese housing markets
J Wu, J Gyourko, Y Deng
Regional Science and Urban Economics 42 (3), 531-543, 2012
Incentives and outcomes: China's environmental policy
J Wu, Y Deng, J Huang, R Morck, B Yeung
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
China’s pseudo-monetary policy
Y Deng, R Morck, J Wu, B Yeung
Review of Finance 19 (1), 55-93, 2015
Turning green into gold: A review on the economics of green buildings
L Zhang, J Wu, H Liu
Journal of cleaner production 172, 2234-2245, 2018
Evaluating the risk of Chinese housing markets: What we know and what we need to know
J Wu, J Gyourko, Y Deng
China Economic Review 39, 91-114, 2016
Economic returns to residential green building investment: The developers' perspective
Y Deng, J Wu
Regional Science and Urban Economics 47, 35-44, 2014
House price index construction in the nascent housing market: The case of China
J Wu, Y Deng, H Liu
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 48, 522-545, 2014
The nascent market for “green” real estate in Beijing
S Zheng, J Wu, ME Kahn, Y Deng
European Economic Review 56 (5), 974-984, 2012
Land and Housing Price Measurement in China| Conference–2012
Y Deng, J Gyourko, J Wu
Reserve Bank of Australia, 2012
Real estate collateral value and investment: The case of China
J Wu, J Gyourko, Y Deng
Journal of urban Economics 86, 43-53, 2015
Impact of high-speed rail on road traffic and greenhouse gas emissions
Y Lin, Y Qin, J Wu, M Xu
Nature Climate Change 11 (11), 952-957, 2021
Policies to enhance the drivers of green housing development in China
L Zhang, J Wu, H Liu
Energy Policy 121, 225-235, 2018
Recent housing affordability in urban China: A comprehensive overview
K Li, Y Qin, J Wu
China Economic Review 59, 101362, 2020
“以地生财, 以财养地”--中国特色城市建设投融资模式研究
郑思齐, 孙伟增, 吴璟, 武赟
经济研究 49 (8), 14-27, 2014
The price premium for green-labelled housing: Evidence from China
L Zhang, H Liu, J Wu
Urban Studies 54 (15), 3524-3541, 2017
Withstanding the great recession like China
Y Wen, J Wu
The Manchester School 87 (2), 138-182, 2019
Land finance in China: Analysis and review
J Gyourko, Y Shen, J Wu, R Zhang
China Economic Review 76, 101868, 2022
Understanding the risk of China's local government debts and its linkage with property markets
BW Ambrose, Y Deng, J Wu
SSRN, 2015
Tax evasion, capital gains taxes, and the housing market
S Agarwal, K Li, Y Qin, J Wu, J Yan
Journal of Public Economics 188, 104222, 2020
Intercity information diffusion and price discovery in housing markets: evidence from Google searches
J Wu, Y Deng
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 50, 289-306, 2015
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Articles 1–20