Seifu Admassu Tilahun
Seifu Admassu Tilahun
International Water Management Institute/Bahir Dar University
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Cited by
Citizen science in hydrology and water resources: opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem service management, and sustainable development
W Buytaert, Z Zulkafli, S Grainger, L Acosta, TC Alemie, J Bastiaensen, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 2, 26, 2014
Surface and subsurface flow effect on permanent gully formation and upland erosion near Lake Tana in the northern highlands of Ethiopia
TY Tebebu, AZ Abiy, AD Zegeye, HE Dahlke, ZM Easton, SA Tilahun, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (11), 2207-2217, 2010
Impact of conservation practices on runoff and soil loss in the sub-humid Ethiopian Highlands: The Debre Mawi watershed
DC Dagnew, CD Guzman, AD Zegeye, TY Tibebu, M Getaneh, S Abate, ...
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 63 (3), 210-219, 2015
Water hyacinth: review of its impacts on hydrology and ecosystem services—lessons for management of Lake Tana
MG Dersseh, AM Melesse, SA Tilahun, M Abate, DC Dagnew
Extreme hydrology and climate variability, 237-251, 2019
Are runoff processes ecologically or topographically driven in the (sub) humid Ethiopian highlands? The case of the Maybar watershed
HK Bayabil, SA Tilahun, AS Collick, B Yitaferu, TS Steenhuis
Ecohydrology 3 (4), 457-466, 2010
Morphological changes of Gumara River channel over 50 years, upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia
M Abate, J Nyssen, TS Steenhuis, MM Moges, SA Tilahun, T Enku, ...
Journal of Hydrology 525, 152-164, 2015
Suspended sediment concentration–discharge relationships in the (sub-) humid Ethiopian highlands
CD Guzman, SA Tilahun, AD Zegeye, TS Steenhuis
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (3), 1067-1077, 2013
An efficient semi-distributed hillslope erosion model for the subhumid Ethiopian Highlands
SA Tilahun, CD Guzman, AD Zegeye, TA Engda, AS Collick, A Rimmer, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (3), 1051-1063, 2013
Evaluation of CFSR, TMPA 3B42 and ground-based rainfall data as input for hydrological models, in data-scarce regions: The upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
AW Worqlul, H Yen, AS Collick, SA Tilahun, S Langan, TS Steenhuis
Catena 152, 242-251, 2017
Advances in water resources research in the Upper Blue Nile basin and the way forward: A review
YT Dile, S Tekleab, EK Ayana, SG Gebrehiwot, AW Worqlul, HK Bayabil, ...
Journal of Hydrology 560, 407-423, 2018
Insights from a multi‐method recharge estimation comparison study
D Walker, G Parkin, P Schmitter, J Gowing, SA Tilahun, AT Haile, ...
Groundwater 57 (2), 245-258, 2019
Evaluation and application of multi-source satellite rainfall product CHIRPS to assess spatio-temporal rainfall variability on data-sparse western margins of Ethiopian highlands
AS Belay, AA Fenta, A Yenehun, F Nigate, SA Tilahun, MM Moges, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (22), 2688, 2019
Potential of water hyacinth infestation on lake Tana, Ethiopia: a prediction using a GIS-based multi-criteria technique
MG Dersseh, AA Kibret, SA Tilahun, AW Worqlul, MA Moges, DC Dagnew, ...
Water 11 (9), 1921, 2019
Morphological dynamics of gully systems in the subhumid Ethiopian Highlands: the Debre Mawi watershed
AD Zegeye, EJ Langendoen, CR Stoof, SA Tilahun, DC Dagnew, ...
Soil 2 (3), 443-458, 2016
A biophysical and economic assessment of a community‐based rehabilitated gully in the Ethiopian highlands
GK Ayele, AA Gessess, MB Addisie, SA Tilahun, TY Tebebu, DB Tenessa, ...
Land Degradation & Development 27 (2), 270-280, 2016
Distributed discharge and sediment concentration predictions in the sub‐humid Ethiopian highlands: the Debre Mawi watershed
SA Tilahun, CD Guzman, AD Zegeye, DC Dagnew, AS Collick, B Yitaferu, ...
Hydrological Processes 29 (7), 1817-1828, 2015
Improving efficacy of landscape interventions in the (sub) humid Ethiopian highlands by improved understanding of runoff processes
TY Tebebu, TS Steenhuis, DC Dagnew, CD Guzman, HK Bayabil, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 3, 49, 2015
A saturation excess erosion model
SA Tilahun, R Mukundan, BA Demisse, TA Engda, CD Guzman, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 56 (2), 681-695, 2013
A simple semi‐distributed water balance model for the Ethiopian highlands
AS Collick, ZM Easton, T Ashagrie, B Biruk, S Tilahun, E Adgo, ...
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (26), 3718-3727, 2009
Identification of erosion hotspot area using GIS and MCE technique for koga watershed in the upper blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
TT Assefa, MK Jha, SA Tilahun, E Yetbarek, AA Adem, A Wale
American Journal of Environmental Sciences 11 (4), 245, 2015
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Articles 1–20