Assensi Oliva
Cited by
Cited by
Heat transfer analysis and numerical simulation of a parabolic trough solar collector
AA Hachicha, I Rodríguez, R Capdevila, A Oliva
Applied energy 111, 581-592, 2013
Numerical simulation of a latent heat thermal energy storage system with enhanced heat conduction
M Costa, D Buddhi, A Oliva
Energy conversion and management 39 (3-4), 319-330, 1998
Turbulent flow around a square cylinder at Reynolds number 22,000: A DNS study
FX Trias, A Gorobets, A Oliva
Computers & Fluids 123, 87-98, 2015
Direct numerical simulations of two-and three-dimensional turbulent natural convection flows in a differentially heated cavity of aspect ratio 4
FX Trias, M Soria, A Oliva, CD Pérez-Segarra
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 586, 259-293, 2007
Direct numerical simulation of the flow over a sphere at Re= 3700
I Rodriguez, R Borell, O Lehmkuhl, CDP Segarra, A Oliva
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 679, 263-287, 2011
Parametric studies on automotive radiators
C Oliet, A Oliva, J Castro, CD Pérez-Segarra
Applied thermal engineering 27 (11-12), 2033-2043, 2007
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of convection and radiation in a differentially heated cavity using the discrete ordinates method
G Colomer, M Costa, R Consul, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2), 257-269, 2004
Symmetry-preserving discretization of Navier–Stokes equations on collocated unstructured grids
FX Trias, O Lehmkuhl, A Oliva, CD Pérez-Segarra, R Verstappen
Journal of Computational Physics 258, 246-267, 2014
Verification of finite volume computations on steady-state fluid flow and heat transfer
J Cadafalch, CD Pe´ rez-Segarra, R Consul, A Oliva
J. Fluids Eng. 124 (1), 11-21, 2002
Low-frequency unsteadiness in the vortex formation region of a circular cylinder
O Lehmkuhl, I Rodríguez, R Borrell, A Oliva
Physics of Fluids 25 (8), 2013
Direct numerical simulation of a differentially heated cavity of aspect ratio 4 with Rayleigh numbers up to 1011–Part I: Numerical methods and time-averaged flow
FX Trias, A Gorobets, M Soria, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (4), 665-673, 2010
Numerical investigation of the location of maximum erosive wear damage in elbow: Effect of slurry velocity, bend orientation and angle of elbow
H Zhang, Y Tan, D Yang, FX Trias, S Jiang, Y Sheng, A Oliva
Powder Technology 217, 467-476, 2012
On the flow past a circular cylinder from critical to super-critical Reynolds numbers: Wake topology and vortex shedding
I Rodríguez, O Lehmkuhl, J Chiva, R Borrell, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 55, 91-103, 2015
A coupled volume-of-fluid/level-set method for simulation of two-phase flows on unstructured meshes
N Balcázar, O Lehmkuhl, L Jofre, J Rigola, A Oliva
Computers & Fluids 124, 12-29, 2016
Flow and turbulent structures around simplified car models
DE Aljure, O Lehmkuhl, I Rodríguez, A Oliva
Computers & Fluids 96, 122-135, 2014
Unsteady forces on a circular cylinder at critical Reynolds numbers
O Lehmkuhl, I Rodríguez, R Borrell, J Chiva, A Oliva
Physics of Fluids 26 (12), 2014
Numerical study of plane and round impinging jets using RANS models
JE Jaramillo, CD Perez-Segarra, I Rodriguez, A Oliva
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 54 (3), 213-237, 2008
Multi-layered solid-PCM thermocline thermal storage concept for CSP plants. Numerical analysis and perspectives
PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, A Oliva, J Rigola
Applied energy 142, 337-351, 2015
Direct numerical simulation of a differentially heated cavity of aspect ratio 4 with Rayleigh numbers up to 1011–Part II: Heat transfer and flow dynamics
FX Trias, A Gorobets, M Soria, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (4), 674-683, 2010
TERMOFLUIDS: A new Parallel unstructured CFD code for the simulation of turbulent industrial problems on low cost PC Cluster
O Lehmkuhl, CD Perez-Segarra, R Borrell, M Soria, A Oliva
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2007: Implementations and Experiences …, 2008
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Articles 1–20