Jeffery R Roesler
Jeffery R Roesler
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Cited by
A unified potential-based cohesive model of mixed-mode fracture
K Park, GH Paulino, JR Roesler
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57 (6), 891-908, 2009
Steel furnace slag aggregate expansion and hardened concrete properties
AS Brand, JR Roesler
Cement and Concrete Composites 60, 1-9, 2015
Cohesive fracture model for functionally graded fiber reinforced concrete
K Park, GH Paulino, J Roesler
Cement and concrete research 40 (6), 956-965, 2010
Towards sustainable pavement systems: a reference document
TJ Van Dam, J Harvey, ST Muench, KD Smith, MB Snyder, IL Al-Qadi, ...
United States. Federal Highway Administration, 2015
Initial moisture and mixing effects on higher quality recycled coarse aggregate concrete
AS Brand, JR Roesler, A Salas
Construction and Building Materials 79, 83-89, 2015
Determination of the kink point in the bilinear softening model for concrete
K Park, GH Paulino, JR Roesler
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75 (13), 3806-3818, 2008
The Maule (Chile) earthquake of February 27, 2010: Consequence assessment and case studies
AS Elnashai, B Gencturk, OS Kwon, IL Al-Qadi, Y Hashash, JR Roesler, ...
MAE Center Report No. 10-04, 2010
Bonding in cementitious materials with asphalt-coated particles: Part I–The interfacial transition zone
AS Brand, JR Roesler
Construction and Building Materials 130, 171-181, 2017
Effect of synthetic fibers on structural behavior of concrete slabs-on-ground
JR Roesler, SA Altoubat, DA Lange, KA Rieder, GR Ulreich
ACI materials journal 103 (1), 3, 2006
Simplified method for concrete pavement design with discrete structural fibers
SA Altoubat, JR Roesler, DA Lange, KA Rieder
Construction and Building Materials 22 (3), 384-393, 2008
Characterizing effective built-in curling from concrete pavement field measurements
S Rao, JR Roesler
Journal of Transportation Engineering 131 (4), 320-327, 2005
Concrete with steel furnace slag and fractionated reclaimed asphalt pavement.
AS Brand, JR Roesler
Illinois Center for Transportation, 2014
Fracture behavior of functionally graded concrete materials for rigid pavements
J Roesler, G Paulino, C Gaedicke, A Bordelon, K Park
Transportation Research Record 2037 (1), 40-49, 2007
Bonding in cementitious materials with asphalt-coated particles: Part II–Cement-asphalt chemical interactions
AS Brand, JR Roesler
Construction and Building Materials 130, 182-192, 2017
Determination of critical concrete pavement fatigue damage locations using influence lines
JE Hiller, JR Roesler
Journal of Transportation Engineering 131 (8), 599-607, 2005
Fracture of plain and fiber-reinforced concrete slabs under monotonic loading
JR Roesler, DA Lange, SA Altoubat, KA Rieder, GR Ulreich
Journal of materials in civil engineering 16 (5), 452-460, 2004
Mechanical properties of roller-compacted concrete with macro-fibers
J LaHucik, S Dahal, J Roesler, AN Amirkhanian
Construction and building materials 135, 440-446, 2017
Analytical approach to predicting temperature fields in multilayered pavement systems
D Wang, JR Roesler, DZ Guo
Journal of engineering mechanics 135 (4), 334-344, 2009
Spatial distribution of synthetic fibers in concrete with X-ray computed tomography
AC Bordelon, JR Roesler
Cement and Concrete Composites 53, 35-43, 2014
Aging albedo model for asphalt pavement surfaces
S Sen, J Roesler
Journal of Cleaner Production 117, 169-175, 2016
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Articles 1–20