Nathalie Rose Lim-Cheng
Cited by
Cited by
Shed: An online diet counselling system
NR Lim-Cheng, GIG Fabia, MEG Quebral, MT Yu
DLSU research congress, 1-7, 2014
Towards compliance management automation thru ontology mapping of requirements to activities and controls
DC Cheng, JB Villamarin, G Cu, NR Lim-Cheng
2018 Cyber Resilience Conference (CRC), 1-3, 2018
An ontology based framework to support multi-standard compliance for an enterprise
DC Cheng, NR Lim-Cheng
2017 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information …, 2017
Building language resources for a Multi-Engine English-Filipino machine translation system
REO Roxas, A Borra, C Ko Cheng, NR Lim, EC Ong, MW Tan
Language Resources and Evaluation 42, 183-195, 2008
A named entity recognizer for Filipino texts.
NRT Lim, LE Lim, JC New, MA Ngo, MC Sy
4th National Natural Language Processing Research Symposium, held at the De …, 2007
Automatic generation of plagiarism detection among student programs
RE Roxas, NR Lim, N Bautista
2006 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2006
Towards end-to-end continuous monitoring of compliance status across multiple requirements
DC Cheng, JB Villamarin, G Cu, NR Lim-Cheng
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 9 (12), 2018
Semi-automatic population of ontology of Philippine medicinal plants from on-line text
NR Lim-Cheng, C Richmond, J Co, CHS Gaudiel, DF Umadac, NL Victor
DLSU Research Congress, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, 6-8, 2014
Philippine language resources: trends and directions
RE Roxas, C Cheng, NR Lim
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7), 131-138, 2009
Some challenges in the design of comparative and evaluative question answering systems
NR Lim, P Saint-Dizier, RE Roxas
Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering …, 2009
CAUse: Computer Automated Use Case Diagram Generator
C Cayaba, JA Rodil, NR Lim
Analyzer, 2006
Ansi C program slicing tool and text generator for an interactive learning environment
NRT Lim, CAG Cordova, CDY Lopez, CP Recto
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT …, 2005
A Question Answering System that Performs Evaluations and Comparisons on Structured Data for Business Intelligence in Biotechnology
K Choi, RM Pacana, AL Tan, J Yiu, NR Lim
Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE) 1, 137-140, 2011
Crowd sourcing through social gaming for community driven ontology engineering, results and observations.
AM Chua, RC Chua, AV Dychiching, T Ang, JL Espiritu, NR Lim, D Cheng
OM, 2010
Lexicon for an English-Filipino Machine Translation System
NR Lim, JO Lat, ST Ng, K Sze, GD Yu
Proceedings of the 4th National Natural Language Processing Research Symposium, 2007
An Ontology of Philippine Natural Products and the API to Retrieve Data from the Ontology
PIS Altea, DEE Dagdag, EJG Embestro, NPS Ong, NR Lim-Cheng
DLSU Research Congress, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, 2020
Processing comparisons and evaluations in business intelligence: A question answering system
K Choi, RM Pacaña, AL Tan, J Yiu, NR Lim
2011 International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge …, 2011
Natural Language Generation of Museum Object Descriptions based on User Model
HW Chen, MG Lim, PB Perez, JP Reyes, NR Lim
Proceedings of PACLIC 22, 141-150, 2008
e-Wika: Digitalization of Philippine Language
C Cheng, R Roxas, AB Borra, NRL Lim, EC Ong, SL See
DLSU-Osaka Workshop, 2008
Automatic Generation of Use Case Diagrams from English Specifications Document.
NRT Lim, CT Cayaba, JAE Rodil
SEKE, 203-208, 2007
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Articles 1–20