The environment and international relations K O'neill Cambridge University Press, 2017 | 549 | 2017 |
Actors, norms, and impact: Recent international cooperation theory and the influence of the agent-structure debate K O'Neill, J Balsiger, SD VanDeveer Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci. 7 (1), 149-175, 2004 | 279 | 2004 |
Waste trading among rich nations: Building a new theory of environmental regulation K O'Neill MIT Press, 2000 | 114 | 2000 |
Methods and global environmental governance K O'Neill, E Weinthal, KR Marion Suiseeya, S Bernstein, A Cohn, ... Annual Review of Environment and Resources 38 (1), 441-471, 2013 | 107 | 2013 |
Transnational protest: States, circuses, and conflict at the frontline of global politics K O'Neill International Studies Review 6 (2), 233-251, 2004 | 94 | 2004 |
Waste K O'Neill John Wiley & Sons, 2019 | 75 | 2019 |
The viability of cattle ranching intensification in Brazil as a strategy to spare land and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions A Cohn, M Bowman, D Zilberman, K O'Neill CCAFS Working Paper, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Insights from global environmental governance JF Morin, A Orsini, H Trudeau, I Duplessis, S Lalonde, T Van de Graaf, ... International Studies Review 15 (4), 562-589, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |
How two cows make a crisis: US-Canada trade relations and mad cow disease K O'Neill American Review of Canadian Studies 35 (2), 295-319, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |
The changing nature of global waste management for the 21st century: a mixed blessing? K O'Neill Global Environmental Politics 1 (1), 77-98, 2001 | 33 | 2001 |
Being there: international negotiations as study sites in global environmental politics K O’Neill, PM Haas Global Environmental Politics 19 (2), 4-13, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Waste trading among rich nations K O’Neill Building A New Theory of Environmental Regulation, 2000 | 32 | 2000 |
Out of the backyard: the problems of hazardous waste management at a global level K O'Neill The Journal of Environment & Development 7 (2), 138-163, 1998 | 31 | 1998 |
The comparative study of environmental movements K O’Neill Comparative Environmental Politics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects …, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
A vital fluid: Risk, controversy and the politics of blood donation in the era of “Mad Cow Disease” K O’Neill Public Understanding of Science 12 (4), 359-380, 2003 | 30 | 2003 |
Regulations as Arbiters of risk: Great Britain, Germany, and the hazardous waste trade in Western Europe K O'Neill International Studies Quarterly 41 (4), 687-717, 1997 | 20 | 1997 |
Seeing complexity: visualization tools in global environmental politics and governance K O’Neill, E Weinthal, P Hunnicutt Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 7, 490-506, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Linking wastes and climate change: Bandwagoning, contention, and global governance K O'Neill Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 10 (2), e568, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
A Recycling Reckoning: How Operation National Sword catalyzed a transition in the US plastics recycling system J Heiges, K O'Neill Journal of Cleaner Production 378, 134367, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
From Stockholm to Johannesburg and beyond: the evolving meta-regime for global environmental governance K O’Neill Amsterdam conference on the human dimensions of global Environmental change …, 2007 | 14 | 2007 |