Grant E. Brown
Grant E. Brown
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Learning about danger: chemical alarm cues and local risk assessment in prey fishes
GE Brown
Fish and Fisheries 4 (3), 227-234, 2003
Acquired predator recognition in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): conditioning hatchery-reared fish to recognize chemical cues of a predator
GE Brown, RJF Smith
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (3), 611-617, 1998
Phenotypically plastic neophobia: a response to variable predation risk
GE Brown, MCO Ferrari, CK Elvidge, I Ramnarine, DP Chivers
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1756), 20122712, 2013
The role of learning in the development of threat-sensitive predator avoidance by fathead minnows
MCO Ferrari, JJ Trowell, GE Brown, DP Chivers
Animal Behaviour 70 (4), 777-784, 2005
Familiarity and shoal cohesion in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): implications for antipredator behaviour
DP Chivers, GE Brown, RJF Smith
Canadian Journal of Zoology 73 (5), 955-960, 1995
The evolution of chemical alarm signals: attracting predators benefits alarm signal senders
DP Chivers, GE Brown, RJF Smith
The American Naturalist 148 (4), 649-659, 1996
The dynamic nature of antipredator behavior: prey fish integrate threat-sensitive antipredator responses within background levels of predation risk
GE Brown, AC Rive, MCO Ferrari, DP Chivers
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61, 9-16, 2006
Ostariophysan alarm pheromones: laboratory and field tests of the functional significance of nitrogen oxides
GE Brown, JC Adrian, E Smyth, H Leet, S Brennan
Journal of Chemical Ecology 26, 139-154, 2000
Epidermal ‘alarm substance’cells of fishes maintained by non-alarm functions: possible defence against pathogens, parasites and UVB radiation
DP Chivers, BD Wisenden, CJ Hindman, TA Michalak, RC Kusch, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: biological sciences 274 (1625), 2611-2619, 2007
Effects of acidification on olfactory-mediated behaviour in freshwater and marine ecosystems: a synthesis
AOHC Leduc, PL Munday, GE Brown, MCO Ferrari
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Social dynamics in salmonid fishes: do kin make better neighbours?
GE Brown, JA Brown
Animal Behaviour 45 (5), 863-871, 1993
The effect of stocking density on the behaviour of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.)
GE Brown, JA Brown, RK Srivastava
Journal of fish biology 41 (6), 955-963, 1992
Conspecific skin extracts elicit antipredator responses in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
GE Brown, RJF Smith
Canadian Journal of Zoology 75 (11), 1916-1922, 1997
Learning as an adaptive response to predation
GE Brown, DP Chivers
Ecology of predator–prey interactions, 34-54, 2005
Who dares, learns: chemical inspection behaviour and acquired predator recognition in a characin fish
GE Brown, JGJ Godin
Animal Behaviour 57 (2), 475-481, 1999
Fathead minnows avoid conspedfic and heterospedfic alarm pheromones in the faeces of northern pike
GE Brown, DP Chivers, RJF Smith
Journal of fish Biology 47 (3), 387-393, 1995
Predator-induced changes in morphology of a prey fish: the effects of food level and temporal frequency of predation risk
DP Chivers, X Zhao, GE Brown, TA Marchant, MCO Ferrari
Evolutionary Ecology 22, 561-574, 2008
Chemical alarm signals in wild Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
GE Brown, JGJ Godin
Canadian Journal of Zoology 77 (4), 562-570, 1999
Effects of group size on the threat-sensitive response to varying concentrations of chemical alarm cues by juvenile convict cichlids
GE Brown, T Bongiorno, DM DiCapua, LI Ivan, E Roh
Canadian Journal of Zoology 84 (1), 1-8, 2006
Localized defecation by pike: a response to labelling by cyprinid alarm pheromone?
GE Brown, DP Chivers, RJF Smith
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 36, 105-110, 1995
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