Azi Ben-Rephael
Azi Ben-Rephael
Associate Professor of Finance, Rutgers Business School
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It depends on where you search: Institutional investor attention and underreaction to news
A Ben-Rephael, Z Da, RD Israelsen
The Review of Financial Studies 30 (9), 3009-3047, 2017
Measuring investor sentiment with mutual fund flows
A Ben-Rephael, S Kandel, A Wohl
Journal of financial Economics 104 (2), 363-382, 2012
The diminishing liquidity premium
A Ben-Rephael, O Kadan, A Wohl
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 50 (1-2), 197-229, 2015
The price pressure of aggregate mutual fund flows
A Ben-Rephael, S Kandel, A Wohl
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 46 (2), 585-603, 2011
Do firms buy their stock at bargain prices? Evidence from actual stock repurchase disclosures
A Ben-Rephael, J Oded, A Wohl
Review of Finance 18 (4), 1299-1340, 2014
Information consumption and asset pricing
A Ben‐Rephael, BI Carlin, Z Da, RD Israelsen
The Journal of Finance 76 (1), 357-394, 2021
Flight-to-liquidity, market uncertainty, and the actions of mutual fund investors
A Ben-Rephael
Journal of Financial Intermediation 31, 30-44, 2017
Who pays attention to SEC Form 8-K?
A Ben-Rephael, Z Da, PD Easton, RD Israelsen
The Accounting Review 97 (5), 59-88, 2022
Mutual fund flows and fluctuations in credit and business cycles
A Ben-Rephael, J Choi, I Goldstein
Journal of Financial Economics 139 (1), 84-108, 2021
How do short sellers interact with other professional investors? evidence from the daily trades of active fund managers
S Arif, A Ben-Rephael, C Lee
Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University Working Paper, 14-35, 2020
Are some clients more equal than others? An analysis of asset management companies’ execution costs
A Ben-Rephael, RD Israelsen
Review of Finance 22 (5), 1705-1736, 2018
Security Analysis and the Collection of Hard and Soft Information
A Ben-Rephael, BI Carlin, Z Da, RD Israelsen
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Should I stay or should I go? trading behavior under ambiguity
A Ben-Rephael, YY Izhakian
Trading Behavior Under Ambiguity (June 17, 2020), 2020
Do I really want to hear the news? public information arrival and investor beliefs
A Ben-Rephael, T Cookson, YY Izhakian
Public Information Arrival and Investor Beliefs (June 20, 2020). Rutgers …, 2020
Uncovering the hidden effort problem
A Ben-Rephael, BI Carlin, Z Da, RD Israelsen
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Do images provide relevant information to investors? An exploratory study
A Ben-Rephael, J Ronen, T Ronen, M Zhou
An Exploratory Study (November 18, 2021), 2021
Investor (mis) reaction, biased beliefs, and the mispricing cycle
A Ben-Rephael, S Hitzemann, Y Xiao
Biased Beliefs, and the Mispricing Cycle (November 19, 2021), 2021
Trading, ambiguity and information in the options market
A Ben-Rephael, JA Cookson, YY Izhakian
Ambiguity and Information in the Options Market (August 3, 2022), 2022
Foreign sentiment
A Ben-Rephael, X Dong, M Massa, C Zhou
Baruch College Zicklin School of Business Research Paper, 01, 2019
Flows to International Mutual Funds: Old Money vs. New Money
A Ben-Rephael, X Dong, M Massa, C Zhou
Baruch College Zicklin School of Business Research Paper, 01, 2019
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Articles 1–20