Howell Jordan
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Cited by
Report on the first SEMAT workshop on general theory of software engineering (GTSE 2012)
P Ralph, P Johnson, H Jordan
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 38 (2), 26-28, 2013
Agent factory: a framework for prototyping logic-based AOP languages
S Russell, H Jordan, GMP O’Hare, RW Collier
Multiagent System Technologies: 9th German Conference, MATES 2011, Berlin …, 2011
Manually locating features in industrial source code: the search actions of software nomads
H Jordan, J Rosik, S Herold, G Botterweck, J Buckley
2015 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension, 174-177, 2015
A feature model of actor, agent, functional, object, and procedural programming languages
H Jordan, G Botterweck, J Noll, A Butterfield, R Collier
Science of Computer Programming 98, 120-139, 2015
Evaluating agent-oriented programs: Towards multi-paradigm metrics
HR Jordan, R Collier
Programming Multi-Agent Systems: 8th International Workshop, ProMAS 2010 …, 2012
Evaluation of a conversation management toolkit for multi agent programming
D Lillis, RW Collier, HR Jordan
International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems, 90-107, 2012
Reuse by inheritance in agent programming languages
HR Jordan, SE Russell, GMP O’Hare, RW Collier
Intelligent Distributed Computing V: Proceedings of the 5th International …, 2012
Guidance for design rationale capture to support software evolution
M Schubanz, A Pleuss, H Jordan, G Botterweck
Geselllschaft für Informatik eV, 2014
A feature model of actor, agent, and object programming languages
H Jordan, G Botterweck, MP Huget, R Collier
Proceedings of the compilation of the co-located workshops on DSM'11, TMC'11 …, 2011
Modelling software engineering research with rsml
H Jordan, S Beecham, G Botterweck
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2014
Separation of concerns in hybrid component and agent systems
M Dragone, H Jordan, D Lillis, RW Collier
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 6 (2 …, 2011
AF-ABLE in the multi agent contest 2009
H Jordan, J Treanor, D Lillis, M Dragone, RW Collier, GMP O’Hare
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 59, 389-409, 2010
Measuring the Structure of Agent-oriented Software
HR Jordan
University College Dublin, 2013
Measuring quality: a cornerstone of theory in software engineering
H Jordan, RW Collier
University of Limerick, 2012
Agent Factory: A Framework for Prototyping Heterogeneous AOP Languages
SE Russell, H Jordan, GMP O'Hare, R Collier
Klügl, F. and Ossowski, S.(eds.). Multiagent System Technologies 9th German …, 2011
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering.
HR Jordan, M Hinchey, RW Collier
Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 14-28, 2010
AF-ABLE: System Description
HR Jordan, J Treanor, D Lillis, M Dragone, RW Collier, GMP O’Hare
10th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, 2009
GTSE 2015
G Engels, M Goedicke, I Jacobson, P Ralph, JP Almeida, C Atkinson, ...
AF-ABLE: ProMAS System Description
HR Jordan, J Treanor, D Lillis, M Dragone, RW Collier, GMP O’Hare
Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems 2009, 208, 0
Encyclopedia of Software Engineering
HR Jordan, M Hinchey, RW Collier
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Articles 1–20