Le Zhou
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Work–family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and displaced aggression toward others: The moderating roles of workplace interpersonal conflict and perceived managerial family …
Y Liu, M Wang, CH Chang, J Shi, L Zhou, R Shao
Journal of applied psychology 100 (3), 793, 2015
Overqualification and counterproductive work behaviors: Examining a moderated mediation model
S Liu, A Luksyte, L Zhou, J Shi, M Wang
Journal of Organizational Behavior 36 (2), 250-271, 2015
Socioeconomic status and well-being during COVID-19: A resource-based examination.
CR Wanberg, B Csillag, RP Douglass, L Zhou, MS Pollard
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (12), 1382, 2020
Supervisors' upward exchange relationships and subordinate outcomes: Testing the multilevel mediation role of empowerment.
L Zhou, M Wang, G Chen, J Shi
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (3), 668, 2012
When and how does functional diversity influence team innovation? The mediating role of knowledge sharing and the moderating role of affect-based trust in a team
SY Cheung, Y Gong, M Wang, L Zhou, J Shi
Human Relations 69, 1507-1531, 2016
Nonlinear effects of team tenure on team psychological safety climate and climate strength: Implications for average team member performance.
J Koopmann, K Lanaj, M Wang, L Zhou, J Shi
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (7), 940, 2016
Social networks and employee voice: The influence of team members’ and team leaders’ social network positions on employee voice
V Venkataramani, L Zhou, M Wang, H Liao, J Shi
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 132, 37-48, 2016
Commuting stress process and self‐regulation at work: Moderating roles of daily task significance, family interference with work, and commuting means efficacy
L Zhou, M Wang, CH Chang, S Liu, Y Zhan, J Shi
Personnel Psychology 70 (4), 891-922, 2017
Testing differential mediation effects of sub-dimensions of political skills in linking proactive personality to employee performance
J Shi, Z Chen, L Zhou
Journal of Business and Psychology 26, 359-369, 2011
Employee age and company performance: An integrated model of aging and human resource management practices
ME von Bonsdorff, L Zhou, M Wang, S Vanhala, MB von Bonsdorff, ...
Journal of Management 44 (8), 3124-3150, 2018
Internet use frequency and patient-centered care: measuring patient preferences for participation using the health information wants questionnaire
B Xie, M Wang, R Feldman, L Zhou
Journal of Medical Internet Research 15 (7), e132, 2013
Exploring older and younger adults' preferences for health information and participation in decision making using the Health Information Wants Questionnaire (HIWQ)
B Xie, M Wang, R Feldman, L Zhou
Health Expectations 17 (6), 795-808, 2014
Validity concerns in research using organic data
H Xu, N Zhang, L Zhou
Journal of Management 46 (7), 1257-1274, 2020
Dynamic Modeling
M Wang, L Zhou, Z Zhang
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 3 …, 2016
Intensive longitudinal data analyses with dynamic structural equation modeling
L Zhou, M Wang, Z Zhang
Organizational Research Methods 24 (2), 219-250, 2021
Different Strokes for Different Folks: The Impact of Sex Dissimilarity in the Empowerment–Performance Relationship
DR Avery, M Wang, SD Volpone, L Zhou
Personnel Psychology 66 (3), 757-784, 2013
Rookies connected: Interpersonal relationships among newcomers, newcomer adjustment processes, and socialization outcomes.
L Zhou, J Park, JD Kammeyer-Mueller, PP Shah, EM Campbell
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (3), 370, 2022
Patient violence and health professionals’ occupational outcomes in China: A time-lagged survey study
Y Zhan, SK Kim, L Zhou, B Xie, Y Li, B Wen, L Nie
International Journal of Nursing Studies 94, 120-130, 2019
A formal model of leadership goal striving: Development of core process mechanisms and extensions to action team context.
L Zhou, M Wang, JB Vancouver
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (3), 388, 2019
Multilevel issues in leadership research
M Wang, L Zhou, S Liu
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Articles 1–20