Yunlong Feng
Cited by
Cited by
Concentration estimates for learning with ℓ1-regularizer and data dependent hypothesis spaces
L Shi, Y Feng, DX Zhou
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 31 (2), 286-302, 2011
Learning with the maximum correntropy criterion induced losses for regression
Y Feng, X Huang, L Shi, Y Yang, JAK Suykens
Journal of Machine Learning Research 16, 993−1034, 2015
A statistical learning approach to modal regression
Y Feng, J Fan, JAK Suykens
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (2), 1-35, 2020
Towards confidence in the truth: a bootstrapping based truth discovery approach
H Xiao, J Gao, Q Li, F Ma, L Su, Y Feng, A Zhang
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2016
Robust low-rank tensor recovery with regularized redescending M-estimator
Y Yang, Y Feng, JAK Suykens
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 27 (9), 1933 - 1946, 2015
Robust support vector machines for classification with non-convex and smooth losses
Y Feng, Y Yang, X Huang, S Mehrkanoon, JAK Suykens
Neural Computation 28 (6), 1217-1247, 2016
A statistical learning assessment of Huber regression
Y Feng, Q Wu
Journal of Approximation Theory, 2020
Kernelized elastic net regularization: generalization bounds and sparse recovery
Y Feng, SG Lv, H Hang, JAK Suykens
Neural Computation 28 (3), 525-562, 2015
Learning theory of minimum error entropy under weak moment conditions
S Huang, Y Feng, Q Wu
Analysis and Applications, 2021
A rank-one tensor updating algorithm for tensor completion
Y Yang, Y Feng, JAK Suykens
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (10), 1633-1637, 2015
Towards confidence interval estimation in truth discovery
H Xiao, J Gao, Q Li, F Ma, L Su, Y Feng, A Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 31 (3), 575-588, 2018
Kernel density estimation for dynamical systems
H Hang, I Steinwart, Y Feng, JAK Suykens
Journal of Machine Learning Research 19 (1), 1260-1308, 2018
Learning under (1+ ϵ)-moment conditions
Y Feng, Q Wu
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 49 (2), 495-520, 2020
Learning with correntropy-induced losses for regression with mixture of symmetric stable noise
Y Feng, Y Ying
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 48 (2), 795-810, 2020
Rank-one tensor properties with applications to a class of tensor optimization problems
Y Yang, Y Feng, X Huang, JAK Suykens
SIAM Journal on Optimization 26 (1), 171-196, 2015
Unified approach to coefficient-based regularized regression
Y Feng, SG Lv
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62 (1), 506-515, 2011
Sparse kernel regression with coefficient-based lq−regularization
L Shi, X Huang, Y Feng, JAK Suykens
Journal of Machine Learning Research 20 (161), 1-44, 2019
Integral operator approach to learning theory with unbounded sampling
SG Lv, Y Feng
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 6 (3), 533-548, 2012
Correntropy based matrix completion
Y Yang, Y Feng, JAK Suykens
Entropy 20 (3), 171, 2018
Raman microspectroscopy fingerprinting of organoid differentiation state
K Tubbesing, N Moskwa, TC Khoo, DA Nelson, A Sharikova, Y Feng, ...
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 27 (1), 53, 2022
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