Christoph Hader
Christoph Hader
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Direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary-layer transition for a flared cone: fundamental breakdown
C Hader, HF Fasel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 869, 341-384, 2019
A locally stabilized immersed boundary method for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations
C Brehm, C Hader, HF Fasel
Journal of Computational Physics 295, 475-504, 2015
Towards simulating natural transition in hypersonic boundary layers via random inflow disturbances
C Hader, HF Fasel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 847, R3, 2018
History and progress of boundary-layer transition on a Mach-6 flared cone
BC Chynoweth, SP Schneider, C Hader, H Fasel, A Batista, J Kuehl, ...
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 56 (2), 333-346, 2019
Three-dimensional wave packet in a Mach 6 boundary layer on a flared cone
C Hader, HF Fasel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 885, R3, 2020
Nonlinear transition mechanism on a blunt cone at Mach 6: oblique breakdown
AB Hartman, C Hader, HF Fasel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915, R2, 2021
Hypersonic boundary-layer transition: comparison of the fundamental resonance breakdown for a flared and straight cone at Mach 6
JA Meersman, C Hader, HF Fasel
2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3851, 2018
Laminar-turbulent transition on a flared cone at Mach 6
C Hader, HF Fasel
46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3344, 2016
Direct numerical simulations of the nonlinear boundary layer transition regime on a flat plate at Mach 6
M Leinemann, C Hader, HF Fasel
AIAA Scitech 2021 forum, 1739, 2021
Direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary-layer transition for a straight cone at Mach 5
C Hader, N Deng, HF Fasel
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0743, 2021
Linear Stability Investigation of Cross-Flow Instability for a Supersonic Swept Wing with a Biconvex Airfoil
AP Haas, C Hader, HF Fasel
AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, 2848, 2021
Wave packets on a flared cone at Mach 6
C Hader, HF Fasel
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 0585, 2020
Fundamental resonance breakdown for a flared cone at Mach 6
C Hader, HF Fasel
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0765, 2017
Direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary-layer transition for a slender cone
C Hader, M Leinemann, HF Fasel
AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum, 2993, 2020
Numerical investigation of porous walls for a Mach 6.0 boundary layer using an immersed boundary method
C Hader, H Fasel
41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3081, 2011
Direct numerical simulations of the nonlinear transition regime on a flat plate at Mach 6
M Leinemann, C Hader, HF Fasel
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 0586, 2020
Numerical investigation of nonlinear boundary-layer transition for cones at Mach 6
JA Meersman, C Hader, HF Fasel
AIAA Journal 59 (6), 1940-1952, 2021
Numerical Investigation of transition delay in a Mach 6 Boundary Layer using porous walls
C Hader, C Brehm, H Fasel
43rd Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2013
Fin-induced Shock Boundary Layer Interactions on a Flat Plate and Hollow Cylinder at Mach 5
JA Threadgill, L Jouannais, C Hader, J Flood, SA Craig, HF Fasel, ...
AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 1816, 2022
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of natural transition in high-speed boundary layers using a broadband random forcing approach
C Hader, HF Fasel
IUTAM Laminar-Turbulent Transition: 9th IUTAM Symposium, London, UK …, 2021
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Articles 1–20