Darren Coker
Cited by
Cited by
Importance of live coral habitat for reef fishes
DJ Coker, SK Wilson, MS Pratchett
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24, 89-126, 2014
Microplastic in the gastrointestinal tract of fishes along the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coast
FM Baalkhuyur, EJAB Dohaish, MEA Elhalwagy, NM Alikunhi, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 131, 407-415, 2018
A review of contemporary patterns of endemism for shallow water reef fauna in the Red Sea
JD DiBattista, MB Roberts, J Bouwmeester, BW Bowen, DJ Coker, ...
Journal of Biogeography 43 (3), 423-439, 2016
Coral bleaching and habitat degradation increase susceptibility to predation for coral-dwelling fishes
DJ Coker, MS Pratchett, PL Munday
Behavioral Ecology 20 (6), 1204-1210, 2009
Increasing ocean temperatures reduce activity patterns of a large commercially important coral reef fish
JL Johansen, V Messmer, DJ Coker, AS Hoey, MS Pratchett
Global Change Biology 20 (4), 1067-1074, 2014
Global warming may disproportionately affect larger adults in a predatory coral reef fish
V Messmer, MS Pratchett, AS Hoey, AJ Tobin, DJ Coker, SJ Cooke, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (6), 2230-2240, 2017
Specialization in habitat use by coral reef damselfishes and their susceptibility to habitat loss
MS Pratchett, DJ Coker, GP Jones, PL Munday
Ecology and evolution 2 (9), 2168-2180, 2012
Multiple stressor effects on coral reef ecosystems
JI Ellis, T Jamil, H Anlauf, DJ Coker, J Curdia, J Hewitt, BH Jones, ...
Global change biology 25 (12), 4131-4146, 2019
Assessing the utility of eDNA as a tool to survey reef-fish communities in the Red Sea
JD DiBattista, DJ Coker, TH Sinclair-Taylor, M Stat, ML Berumen, ...
Coral Reefs 36 (4), 1245-1252, 2017
Macroalgal meadow habitats support fish and fisheries in diverse tropical seascapes
CJ Fulton, C Berkström, SK Wilson, RA Abesamis, M Bradley, C Ĺkerlund, ...
Fish and Fisheries 21 (4), 700-717, 2020
Large predatory coral trout species unlikely to meet increasing energetic demands in a warming ocean
JL Johansen, MS Pratchett, V Messmer, DJ Coker, AJ Tobin, AS Hoey
Scientific reports 5 (1), 13830, 2015
Interactive effects of live coral and structural complexity on the recruitment of reef fishes
DJ Coker, NAJ Graham, MS Pratchett
Coral Reefs, 1-9, 2012
Nutrient-supplying ocean currents modulate coral bleaching susceptibility
TM DeCarlo, L Gajdzik, J Ellis, DJ Coker, MB Roberts, NM Hammerman, ...
Science Advances 6 (34), eabc5493, 2020
Recolonisation of Acropora hyacinthus following climate-induced coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef
C Linares, MS Pratchett, DJ Coker
Marine Ecology Progress Series 438, 97-104, 2011
Coral reef degradation affects the potential for reef recovery after disturbance
F Roth, F Saalmann, T Thomson, DJ Coker, R Villalobos, BH Jones, ...
Marine Environmental Research 142, 48-58, 2018
Influence of coral bleaching, coral mortality and conspecific aggression on movement and distribution of coral-dwelling fish
DJ Coker, MS Pratchett, PL Munday
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 414, 62-68, 2012
Reef fish communities in the central Red Sea show evidence of asymmetrical fishing pressure
A Kattan, DJ Coker, ML Berumen
Marine Biodiversity 47, 1227-1238, 2017
Translational molecular ecology in practice: linking DNA-based methods to actionable marine environmental management
E Aylagas, A Borja, X Pochon, A Zaiko, N Keeley, K Bruce, P Hong, ...
Science of the Total Environment 744, 140780, 2020
Spatial patterns of cryptobenthic coral-reef fishes in the Red Sea
DJ Coker, JD DiBattista, TH Sinclair-Taylor, ML Berumen
Coral Reefs 37, 193-199, 2018
Protracted declines in coral cover and fish abundance following climate-induced coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef
MS Pratchett, AH Baird, DM McCowan, DJ Coker, AJ Cole, SK Wilson
Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1042-1046, 2009
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Articles 1–20