Sanjeeb Bose
Sanjeeb Bose
Cascade Technologies, Stanford University
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Using singular values to build a subgrid-scale model for large eddy simulations
F Nicoud, HB Toda, O Cabrit, S Bose, J Lee
Physics of fluids 23 (8), 2011
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation for complex turbulent flows
ST Bose, GI Park
Annual review of fluid mechanics 50 (1), 535-561, 2018
A dynamic slip boundary condition for wall-modeled large-eddy simulation
ST Bose, P Moin
Physics of Fluids 26 (1), 2014
An algorithm to estimate unsteady and quasi-steady pressure fields from velocity field measurements
JO Dabiri, S Bose, BJ Gemmell, SP Colin, JH Costello
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (3), 331-336, 2014
Grid-independent large-eddy simulation using explicit filtering
ST Bose, P Moin, D You
Physics of Fluids 22 (10), 2010
Dynamic slip wall model for large-eddy simulation
HJ Bae, A Lozano-Durán, ST Bose, P Moin
Journal of fluid mechanics 859, 400-432, 2019
Large eddy simulation of aircraft at affordable cost: a milestone in computational fluid dynamics
KA Goc, O Lehmkuhl, GI Park, ST Bose, P Moin
Flow 1, E14, 2021
Large-eddy simulations of co-annular turbulent jet using a Voronoi-based mesh generation framework
GA Bres, ST Bose, M Emory, FE Ham, OT Schmidt, G Rigas, T Colonius
2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3302, 2018
Turbulence intensities in large-eddy simulation of wall-bounded flows
HJ Bae, A Lozano-Duran, ST Bose, P Moin
Physical Review Fluids 3 (1), 014610, 2018
Shock-induced heating and transition to turbulence in a hypersonic boundary layer
L Fu, M Karp, ST Bose, P Moin, J Urzay
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 909, A8, 2021
Large-eddy simulation of practical aeronautical flows at stall conditions
O Lehmkuhl, GI Park, ST Bose, P Moin
Proceedings of the 2018 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research …, 2018
Aerodynamic heating in wall-modeled large-eddy simulation of high-speed flows
XIA Yang, J Urzay, S Bose, P Moin
AIAA journal 56 (2), 731-742, 2018
Prediction of trailing edge separation on the NASA Juncture Flow using wall-modeled LES
A Lozano-Duran, ST Bose, P Moin
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1776, 2020
Large eddy simulations for blood dynamics in realistic stenotic carotids
RM Lancellotti, C Vergara, L Valdettaro, S Bose, A Quarteroni
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 33 (11 …, 2017
A subgrid-scale model based on singular values for LES in complex geometries
HB Toda, O Cabrit, G Balarac, S Bose, J Lee, H Choi, F Nicoud
Proc. of the Summer Program, 193-202, 2010
Non-Boussinesq subgrid-scale model with dynamic tensorial coefficients
R Agrawal, MP Whitmore, KP Griffin, ST Bose, P Moin
Physical Review Fluids 7 (7), 074602, 2022
Performance of wall-modeled LES with boundary-layer-conforming grids for external aerodynamics
A Lozano-Durán, ST Bose, P Moin
AIAA Journal 60 (2), 747-766, 2022
Direct numerical simulation and large eddy simulation of laminar separation bubbles at moderate Reynolds numbers
F Cadieux, JA Domaradzki, T Sayadi, S Bose
Journal of Fluids Engineering 136 (6), 060902, 2014
Wall-modeled large eddy simulation of an aircraft in landing configuration
K Goc, S Bose, P Moin
AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum, 3002, 2020
A dynamic eddy-viscosity model based on the invariants of the rate-of-strain
R Verstappen, S Bose, J Lee, H Choi, P Moin
Proceedings of the Summer Program, 183-192, 2010
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Articles 1–20