Liang Wei
Liang Wei
Lanzhou University, China
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Increasing impacts of extreme droughts on vegetation productivity under climate change
C Xu, NG McDowell, RA Fisher, L Wei, S Sevanto, BO Christoffersen, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (12), 948-953, 2019
Post-fire management regimes affect carbon sequestration and storage in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest
EM Powers, JD Marshall, J Zhang, L Wei
Forest Ecology and Management 291, 268-277, 2013
Identification of key parameters controlling demographically structured vegetation dynamics in a land surface model: CLM4. 5 (FATES)
EC Massoud, C Xu, RA Fisher, RG Knox, AP Walker, SP Serbin, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 12 (9), 4133-4164, 2019
Evaluating hydrologic effects of spatial and temporal patterns of forest canopy change using numerical modelling
E Du, TE Link, L Wei, JD Marshall
Hydrological Processes 30 (2), 217-231, 2016
Constraining 3‐PG with a new δ13C submodel: a test using the δ13C of tree rings
L Wei, JD Marshall, TE Link, KL Kavanagh, E Du, RE Pangle, PJ Gag, ...
Plant, cell & environment 37 (1), 82-100, 2014
3-PG simulations of young ponderosa pine plantations under varied management intensity: Why do they grow so differently?
L Wei, JD Marshall, J Zhang, H Zhou, RF Powers
Forest Ecology and Management 313, 69-82, 2014
Precipitation mediates sap flux sensitivity to evaporative demand in the neotropics
C Grossiord, B Christoffersen, AM Alonso-Rodríguez, ...
Oecologia 191, 519-530, 2019
Variable streamflow contributions in nested subwatersheds of a US Midwestern urban watershed
L Wei, JA Hubbart, H Zhou
Water resources management 32, 213-228, 2018
A heuristic classification of woody plants based on contrasting shade and drought strategies
L Wei, C Xu, S Jansen, H Zhou, BO Christoffersen, WT Pockman, ...
Tree physiology 39 (5), 767-781, 2019
Forest productivity varies with soil moisture more than temperature in a small montane watershed
L Wei, H Zhou, TE Link, K Katheleen L., JA Hubbart, E Du, AT Hudak, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 259, 211–221, 2018
Reproductive allocation patterns in different density populations of spring wheat
J Liu, GX Wang, L Wei, CM Wang
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50 (2), 141-146, 2008
Effect of Water Deficit on Self‐thinning Line in Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Populations
J Liu, L Wei, CM Wang, GX Wangl, XP Wei
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48 (4), 415-419, 2006
Simulated water budget of a small forested watershed in the continental/maritime hydroclimatic region of the United States
L Wei, TE Link, AT Hudak, JD Marshall, KL Kavanagh, JT Abatzoglou, ...
Hydrological Processes 30 (13), 2000-2013, 2016
Tree-ring based forest model calibrations with a deep learning algorithm
X Yu, L Zhong, H Zhou, L Gong, Y Zhao, L Wei
Forest Ecology and Management 569, 122154, 2024
White pine blister rust, logging, and species replacement increased streamflow in a montane watershed in the northern Rockies, USA
L Wei, H Zhou, AT Hudak, TE Link, A Marshall, KL Kavanagh, ...
Journal of Hydrology 612, 128230, 2022
Process-Based Ecophysiological Models of Tree-Ring Stable Isotopes
L Wei, JD Marshall, JR Brooks
Series Editors, 737, 2022
Impacts of Road Design on Sediment Generation
WJ Elliot, L Wei, JC Imhoff, RB Foltz, VE Nystrom
2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 1, 2015
Quantum Yields in Mixed-Conifer Forests and Ponderosa Pine Plantations
L Wei, JD Marshall, J Zhang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2008, B51A-0350, 2008
Why has streamflow in a northern Idaho creek increased while flows from many other watersheds in the US Pacific Northwest have decreased over the past sixty years?
L Wei, AT Hudak, TE Link, JD Marshall, K Kavanagh, H Zhou, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, B31E-0054, 2014
Tree-ring δ13C and δ18O responses to climate change, wildfire, and forest thinning in ponderosa pine ecosystems
L Wei, J Zhang, JD Marshall
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, B21H-0367, 2011
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Articles 1–20