Daniel P. Rasse
Daniel P. Rasse
Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
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Cited by
Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property
MWI Schmidt, MS Torn, S Abiven, T Dittmar, G Guggenberger, ...
Nature 478 (7367), 49-56, 2011
Is soil carbon mostly root carbon? Mechanisms for a specific stabilisation
DP Rasse, C Rumpel, MF Dignac
Plant and soil 269 (1), 341-356, 2005
How to measure, report and verify soil carbon change to realize the potential of soil carbon sequestration for atmospheric greenhouse gas removal
P Smith, JF Soussana, D Angers, L Schipper, C Chenu, DP Rasse, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (1), 219-241, 2020
Evaluating theories of drought‐induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel–experiment framework
NG McDowell, RA Fisher, C Xu, JC Domec, T Hölttä, DS Mackay, ...
New Phytologist 200 (2), 304-321, 2013
Can N2O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage?
B Guenet, B Gabrielle, C Chenu, D Arrouays, J Balesdent, M Bernoux, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (2), 237-256, 2021
Biochar as a tool to reduce the agricultural greenhouse-gas burden–knowns, unknowns and future research needs
C Kammann, J Ippolito, N Hagemann, N Borchard, ML Cayuela, ...
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 25 (2), 114-139, 2017
Carbon-13 natural abundance as a tool to study the dynamics of lignin monomers in soil: an appraisal at the Closeaux experimental field (France)
MF Dignac, H Bahri, C Rumpel, DP Rasse, G Bardoux, J Balesdent, ...
Geoderma 128 (1-2), 3-17, 2005
Black carbon contribution to soil organic matter composition in tropical sloping land under slash and burn agriculture
C Rumpel, M Alexis, A Chabbi, V Chaplot, DP Rasse, C Valentin, ...
Geoderma 130 (1-2), 35-46, 2006
Lignin turnover kinetics in an agricultural soil is monomer specific
H Bahri, MF Dignac, C Rumpel, DP Rasse, C Chenu, A Mariotti
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (7), 1977-1988, 2006
Alfalfa root and shoot mulching effects on soil hydraulic properties and aggregation
DP Rasse, AJM Smucker, D Santos
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (2), 725-731, 2000
Surface properties and chemical composition of corncob and miscanthus biochars: effects of production temperature and method
A Budai, L Wang, M Gronli, LT Strand, MJ Antal Jr, S Abiven, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 62 (17), 3791-3799, 2014
Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem
MA Alexis, DP Rasse, C Rumpel, G Bardoux, N Péchot, P Schmalzer, ...
Biogeochemistry 82, 201-216, 2007
Lignin turnover in an agricultural field: from plant residues to soil‐protected fractions
DP Rasse, MF Dignac, H Bahri, C Rumpel, A Mariotti, C Chenu
European Journal of Soil Science 57 (4), 530-538, 2006
Root recolonization of previous root channels in corn and alfalfa rotations
DP Rasse, AJM Smucker
Plant and Soil 204, 203-212, 1998
Carbon loss estimates from cultivated peat soils in Norway: a comparison of three methods
A Grřnlund, A Hauge, A Hovde, DP Rasse
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 81, 157-167, 2008
Seventeen years of elevated CO2 exposure in a Chesapeake Bay Wetland: sustained but contrasting responses of plant growth and CO2 uptake
DP Rasse, G Peresta, BG Drake
Global Change Biology 11 (3), 369-377, 2005
Lignin degradation during a laboratory incubation followed by 13C isotope analysis
H Bahri, DP Rasse, C Rumpel, MF Dignac, G Bardoux, A Mariotti
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (7), 1916-1922, 2008
Carbon turnover kinetics with depth in a French loamy soil
DP Rasse, J Mulder, C Moni, C Chenu
Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (6), 2097-2105, 2006
Molecular dynamics of shoot vs. root biomarkers in an agricultural soil estimated by natural abundance 13C labelling
M Mendez-Millan, MF Dignac, C Rumpel, DP Rasse, S Derenne
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (2), 169-177, 2010
Thermal alteration of organic matter during a shrubland fire: a field study
MA Alexis, C Rumpel, H Knicker, J Leifeld, D Rasse, N Péchot, G Bardoux, ...
Organic Geochemistry 41 (7), 690-697, 2010
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Articles 1–20