Eduardo S A Santos
Eduardo S A Santos
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Methodological issues and advances in biological meta-analysis
S Nakagawa, ESA Santos
Evolutionary Ecology 26 (5), 1253-1274, 2012
The costs of parental care: a meta‐analysis of the trade‐off between parental effort and survival in birds
ESA Santos, S Nakagawa
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25, 1911-1917, 2012
Heterogeneity in ecological and evolutionary meta‐analyses: its magnitude and implications
AM Senior, CE Grueber, T Kamiya, M Lagisz, K O'dwyer, ESA Santos, ...
Ecology 97 (12), 3293-3299, 2016
Carotenoid metabolism strengthens the link between feather coloration and individual quality
RJ Weaver, ESA Santos, AM Tucker, AE Wilson, GE Hill
Nature communications 9 (1), 73, 2018
Personality-matching habitat choice, rather than behavioural plasticity, is a likely driver of a phenotype–environment covariance
B Holtmann, ESA Santos, CE Lara, S Nakagawa
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1864), 20170943, 2017
Transcriptome characterization of the dimorphic and pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by EST analysis
MSS Felipe, RV Andrade, SS Petrofeza, AQ Maranhao, FAG Torres, ...
Yeast 20 (3), 263-271, 2003
Dominance and plumage traits: meta-analysis and metaregression analysis
ESA Santos, D Scheck, S Nakagawa
Animal Behaviour 82 (1), 3-19, 2011
Parasite levels in blue-black grassquits correlate with male displays but not female mate preference
TM Aguilar, R Maia, ESA Santos, RH Macedo
Behavioral Ecology 19 (2), 292, 2008
Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub
A Culina, F Adriaensen, LD Bailey, MD Burgess, A Charmantier, EF Cole, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), 2147-2160, 2021
Population differentiation and behavioural association of the two ‘personality’ genes DRD4 and SERT in dunnocks (Prunella modularis)
B Holtmann, S Grosser, M Lagisz, SL Johnson, ESA Santos, CE Lara, ...
Molecular ecology 25 (3), 706-722, 2016
Load Lightening in Southern Lapwings: Group‐Living Mothers Lay Smaller Eggs than Pair‐Living Mothers
ESA Santos, RH Macedo
Ethology 117 (6), 547-555, 2011
Species‐specific differences in relative eye size are related to patterns of edge avoidance in an Amazonian rainforest bird community
C Martínez‐Ortega, ESA Santos, D Gil
Ecology and Evolution, 2014
Breeding biology and variable mating system of a population of introduced dunnocks (Prunella modularis) in New Zealand
ESA Santos, S Nakagawa
PLoS One 8 (7), e69329, 2013
Condition-dependent resource value affects male–male competition in the blue–black grassquit
ESA Santos, R Maia, RH Macedo
Behavioral Ecology 20 (3), 553, 2009
Macroecology of parental care in arthropods: higher mortality risk leads to higher benefits of offspring protection in tropical climates
ESA Santos, PP Bueno, JDJ Gilbert, G Machado
Biological Reviews 92 (3), 1688-1701, 2017
Habitat structure drives the evolution of aerial displays in birds
JCT Menezes, ESA Santos
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (2), 482-493, 2020
Conflict and cooperation over sex: the consequences of social and genetic polyandry for reproductive success in dunnocks
ESA Santos, LLS Santos, M Lagisz, S Nakagawa
Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (6), 1509-1519, 2015
A multinomial network method for the analysis of mate choice and assortative mating in spatially structured populations
DG Muniz, ESA Santos, PR Guimarães, S Nakagawa, G Machado
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (10), 1321-1331, 2017
Be prudent if it fits you well: male mate choice depends on male size in a golden orb-weaver spider
P Pollo, DG Muniz, ESA Santos
Animal behaviour 156, 11-20, 2019
Comment on “Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds”
M Bulla, J Reneerkens, EL Weiser, A Sokolov, AR Taylor, B Sittler, ...
Science 364 (6445), eaaw8529, 2019
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