Intersegmental coordination of cockroach locomotion: adaptive control of centrally coupled pattern generator circuits E Fuchs, P Holmes, T Kiemel, A Ayali Frontiers in neural circuits 4, 125, 2011 | 71 | 2011 |
The comparative investigation of the stick insect and cockroach models in the study of insect locomotion A Ayali, A Borgmann, A Büschges, E Couzin-Fuchs, S Daun-Gruhn, ... Current Opinion in Insect Science 12, 1-10, 2015 | 61 | 2015 |
Intersegmental coupling and recovery from perturbations in freely running cockroaches E Couzin-Fuchs, T Kiemel, O Gal, A Ayali, P Holmes Journal of Experimental Biology 218 (2), 285-297, 2015 | 52 | 2015 |
Coemergence of regularity and complexity during neural network development E Fuchs, A Ayali, A Robinson, E Hulata, E Ben‐Jacob Developmental neurobiology 67 (13), 1802-1814, 2007 | 50 | 2007 |
Proprioceptive feedback reinforces centrally generated stepping patterns in the cockroach E Fuchs, P Holmes, I David, A Ayali Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (11), 1884-1891, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Sensory feedback in cockroach locomotion: current knowledge and open questions A Ayali, E Couzin-Fuchs, I David, O Gal, P Holmes, D Knebel Journal of Comparative Physiology A 201, 841-850, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
The formation of synchronization cliques during the development of modular neural networks E Fuchs, A Ayali, E Ben-Jacob, S Boccaletti Physical biology 6 (3), 036018, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Neural correlates to flight‐related density‐dependent phase characteristics in locusts E Fuchs, W Kutsch, A Ayali Journal of Neurobiology 57 (2), 152-162, 2003 | 34 | 2003 |
Contextual regularity and complexity of neuronal activity: From stand‐alone cultures to task‐performing animals A Ayali, E Fuchs, Y Zilberstein, A Robinson, O Shefi, E Hulata, I Baruchi, ... Complexity 9 (6), 25-32, 2004 | 32 | 2004 |
Neuromodulation for behavior in the locust frontal ganglion Y Zilberstein, E Fuchs, L Hershtik, A Ayali Journal of Comparative Physiology A 190, 301-309, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
The subesophageal ganglion modulates locust inter-leg sensory-motor interactions via contralateral pathways D Knebel, J Wörner, J Rillich, L Nadler, A Ayali, E Couzin-Fuchs Journal of insect physiology 107, 116-124, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Coding of odour and space in the hemimetabolous insect Periplaneta americana M Paoli, H Nishino, E Couzin-Fuchs, CG Galizia Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (3), jeb218032, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
The function of intersegmental connections in determining temporal characteristics of the spinal cord rhythmic output A Ayali, E Fuchs, E Ben-Jacob, A Cohen Neuroscience 147 (1), 236-246, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
The social brain of ‘non-eusocial’insects E Couzin-Fuchs, A Ayali Current Opinion in Insect Science 48, 1-7, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Social modulation of individual preferences in cockroaches Y Günzel, J McCollum, M Paoli, CG Galizia, I Petelski, E Couzin-Fuchs iScience, 101964, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Differential control of temporal and spatial aspects of cockroach leg coordination E Couzin-Fuchs, O Gal, P Holmes, A Ayali Journal of insect physiology 79, 96-104, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
A. Robinson A, et al AF Fuchs, A Ayali Developmental Neurobiology 13, 1802, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Neurophysiological studies of flight-related density-dependent phase characteristics in locusts A Ayali, E Fuchs, W Kutsch Acta Biologica Hungarica 55, 137-141, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
Information integration for decision-making in desert locusts Y Günzel, FB Oberhauser, E Couzin-Fuchs Iscience 26 (4), 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Synergistic olfactory processing for social plasticity in desert locusts I Petelski, Y Günzel, S Sayin, S Kraus, E Couzin-Fuchs Nature Communications 15 (1), 5476, 2024 | 4 | 2024 |