Liselotte Sander Johansson
Liselotte Sander Johansson
Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience/DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy
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Zooplankton as indicators in lakes: a scientific-based plea for including zooplankton in the ecological quality assessment of lakes according to the European Water Framework …
E Jeppesen, P Nõges, TA Davidson, J Haberman, T Nõges, K Blank, ...
Hydrobiologia 676, 279-297, 2011
Biomanipulation as a restoration tool to combat eutrophication: recent advances and future challenges
E Jeppesen, M Søndergaard, TL Lauridsen, TA Davidson, Z Liu, ...
Advances in Ecological Research, 411-487, 2012
Submerged macrophytes as indicators of the ecological quality of lakes
M Søndergaard, LS Johansson, TL Lauridsen, TB Jørgensen, ...
Freshwater Biology 55 (4), 893-908, 2010
Multi‐group biodiversity in shallow lakes along gradients of phosphorus and water plant cover
S Declerck, J Vandekerkhove, L Johansson, K Muylaert, ...
Ecology 86 (7), 1905-1915, 2005
Impacts of warming on the structure and functioning of aquatic communities: individual-to ecosystem-level responses
EJ O'Gorman, DE Pichler, G Adams, JP Benstead, H Cohen, N Craig, ...
Advances in ecological research 47, 81-176, 2012
Salinity induced regime shift in shallow brackish lagoons
E Jeppesen, M Søndergaard, AR Pedersen, K Jürgens, A Strzelczak, ...
Ecosystems 10 (1), 48-58, 2007
Nitrogen or phosphorus limitation in lakes and its impact on phytoplankton biomass and submerged macrophyte cover
M Søndergaard, TL Lauridsen, LS Johansson, E Jeppesen
Hydrobiologia 795, 35-48, 2017
Temperature effects on fish production across a natural thermal gradient
EJ O'Gorman, ÓP Ólafsson, BOL Demars, N Friberg, G Guðbergsson, ...
Global change biology 22 (9), 3206-3220, 2016
Climate versus in-lake processes as controls on the development of community structure in a low-arctic lake (South-West Greenland)
NJ Anderson, KP Brodersen, DB Ryves, S McGowan, LS Johansson, ...
Ecosystems 11, 307-324, 2008
The response of periphyton and submerged macrophytes to nitrogen and phosphorus loading in shallow warm lakes: a mesocosm experiment
K Özkan, E Jeppesen, LS Johansson, M Beklioglu
Freshwater Biology 55 (2), 463-475, 2010
Uncovering hidden species: hatching diapausing eggs for the analysis of cladoceran species richness
J Vandekerkhove, S Declerck, L Brendonck, JM Conde‐Porcuna, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 3 (9), 399-407, 2005
Gravel pit lakes in Denmark: Chemical and biological state
M Søndergaard, TL Lauridsen, LS Johansson, E Jeppesen
Science of the Total Environment 612, 9-17, 2018
Long‐term effects of warming and nutrients on microbes and other plankton in mesocosms
A Özen, M Šorf, C Trochine, L Liboriussen, M Beklioglu, M Søndergaard, ...
Freshwater Biology 58 (3), 483-493, 2013
Experimental evidence for interactive habitat segregation between roach (Rutilus rutilus) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) in a shallow eutrophic lake
L Johansson
Oecologia 73, 21-27, 1987
Repeated fish removal to restore lakes: case study of Lake Væng, Denmark—two biomanipulations during 30 years of monitoring
M Søndergaard, TL Lauridsen, LS Johansson, E Jeppesen
Water 9 (1), 43, 2017
Inferring recent changes in the ecological state of 21 Danish candidate reference lakes (EU Water Framework Directive) using palaeolimnology
R Bjerring, EG Bradshaw, SL Amsinck, LS Johansson, BV Odgaard, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (6), 1566-1575, 2008
Predicting ecosystem state changes in shallow lakes using an aquatic ecosystem model: Lake Hinge, Denmark, an example
TK Andersen, A Nielsen, E Jeppesen, F Hu, K Bolding, Z Liu, ...
Ecological Applications 30 (7), e02160, 2020
Stable isotope analysis confirms substantial differences between subtropical and temperate shallow lake food webs
C Iglesias, M Meerhoff, LS Johansson, I González-Bergonzoni, N Mazzeo, ...
Hydrobiologia 784, 111-123, 2017
Long-term trends and temporal synchrony in plankton richness, diversity and biomass driven by re-oligotrophication and climate across 17 Danish lakes
K Özkan, E Jeppesen, TA Davidson, R Bjerring, LS Johansson, ...
Water 8 (10), 427, 2016
Cross‐taxon congruence in lake plankton largely independent of environmental gradients
K Özkan, E Jeppesen, TA Davidson, M Søndergaard, TL Lauridsen, ...
Ecology 95 (10), 2778-2788, 2014
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Articles 1–20