Pedro Galione Klot
Pedro Galione Klot
Associate Professor, Engineering Faculty, Universidad de la República
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Cited by
Multi-layered solid-PCM thermocline thermal storage concept for CSP plants. Numerical analysis and perspectives
PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, A Oliva, J Rigola
Applied Energy 142, 337-351, 2015
Multi-layered solid-PCM thermocline thermal storage for CSP. Numerical evaluation of its application in a 50MWe plant
PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, S Torras, J Rigola
Solar Energy 119, 134-150, 2015
Fixed-grid numerical modeling of melting and solidification using variable thermo-physical properties–application to the melting of n-octadecane inside a spherical capsule
PA Galione, O Lehmkuhl, J Rigola, A Oliva
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 86, 721-743, 2015
A new thermocline-PCM thermal storage concept for CSP plants. Numerical analysis and perspectives
PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, O Lehmkuhl, J Rigola
Energy Procedia 49, 790-799, 2014
Thermal energy storage system combining sensible heat solid material and phase change material
US Patent 9,841,243, 2017
Fixed-grid modeling of solid-liquid phase change in unstructured meshes using explicit time schemes
PA Galione, O Lehmkuhl, J Rigola, A Oliva
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 65 (1), 27-52, 2014
Numerical evaluation of multi-layered solid-PCM thermocline-like tanks as thermal energy storage systems for CSP applications
P Galione, C Pérez-Segarra, I Rodríguez, S Torras, J Rigola
Energy Procedia 69, 832-841, 2015
Numerical simulations of thermal energy storage systems with phase cahnge materials
P Galione, O Lehmkuhl Barba, J Rigola Serrano, A Oliva Llena, ...
ISES Solar World Congress 2011, 1-12, 2011
Fixed grid numerical modelling of frost growth and densification
E Bartrons, PA Galione, CD Pérez-Segarra
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130, 215-229, 2019
Origin of solar thermal selectivity and interference effects in nickel–alumina nanostructured films
PA Galione, AL Baroni, JR Ramos-Barrado, D Leinen, F Martín, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (14), 2197-2201, 2010
Modeling of gradient index solar selective surfaces for solar thermal applications
F Davoine, PA Galione, JR Ramos-Barrado, D Leinen, F Martín, ...
Solar Energy 91, 316-326, 2013
Computational fluid dynamics study of Savonius rotors using OpenFOAM
F González Madina, A Gutiérrez, P Galione
Wind Engineering 45 (3), 630-647, 2021
Numerical simulations of energy storage with encapsulated phase change materials. Special emphasis on solid-liquid phase change CFD modelling
PA Galione, O Lehmkuhl, J Rigola, A Oliva, I Rodrıguez
12th International Conference on Energy Storage INNOSTOCK, 2012
Fixed-grid Numerical Modeling of Frost Formation
E Bartrons, PA Galione, G Papakokkinos, CD Pérez-Segarra
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 4505, 2017
Evaluación de desempeño térmico y energético de viviendas MEVIR. Análisis comparativo de la tipología “Cardal” en dos sistemas constructivos: Memoria técnica
G Pena, F Favre, P Galione, S Gervaz, J Romero, MN López, L Pereira, ...
Udelar, 2023
Thermo-economic evaluation of solar concentrating technologies for industrial process heat production in Uruguay
D De León, P Galione
SWC/SHC 2019 ISES Solar World Congress/IEA SHC Solar Heating and Cooling …, 2019
Unstructured Modelling of Solid-liquid Phase Change Using Parallel Computing. Application to the Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Encapsulated Phase Change Materials
PAG Klot
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Universitària d'Enginyeria …, 2011
Análisis Energético de una Tipología de Vivienda de Interés Social en Dos Soluciones Constructivas
F Favre, G Pena, P Galione, MN López, L Pereira, J Rodríguez
Mecánica Computacional 40 (45), 1711-1721, 2023
Análisis del impacto de la incorporación de sistemas de acumulación PHES desde el punto de vista del sistema eléctrico
X Caporale, E Cornalino, A Ghazarian, P Galione
EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA EN EL SECTOR RESIDENCIAL. Situación actual y evaluación de estrategias de mejoramiento para distintas condiciones climáticas en el Uruguay.
P Curto, P Galione, F Favre, S Gervaz, J Romero, A Picción, M López, ...
Universidad de la República, 2021
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Articles 1–20