Manuel B. Morales
Manuel B. Morales
Profesor Titular de Ecología (UAM)
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Persistent negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and biological control potential on European farmland
F Geiger, J Bengtsson, F Berendse, WW Weisser, M Emmerson, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 11 (2), 97-105, 2010
How agricultural intensification affects biodiversity and ecosystem services
M Emmerson, MB Morales, JJ Oñate, P Batary, F Berendse, J Liira, ...
Advances in ecological research 55, 43-97, 2016
Agricultural intensification and biodiversity partitioning in European landscapes comparing plants, carabids, and birds
A Flohre, C Fischer, T Aavik, J Bengtsson, F Berendse, R Bommarco, ...
Ecological Applications 21 (5), 1772-1781, 2011
Effect of weekend road traffic on the use of space by raptors
LM Bautista, JT García, RG Calmaestra, C Palacín, CA Martín, ...
Conservation Biology 18 (3), 726-732, 2004
The decline of farmland birds in Spain is strongly associated to the loss of fallowland
J Traba, MB Morales
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9473, 2019
Response of ground-nesting farmland birds to agricultural intensification across Europe: landscape and field level management factors
I Guerrero, MB Morales, JJ Oñate, F Geiger, F Berendse, G de Snoo, ...
Biological Conservation 152, 74-80, 2012
Sexual differences in microhabitat selection of breeding little bustards Tetrax tetrax: Ecological segregation based on vegetation structure
MB Morales, J Traba, E Carriles, MP Delgado, EL de la Morena
Acta Oecologica 34 (3), 345-353, 2008
Renewables in Spain threaten biodiversity
D Serrano, A Margalida, JM Pérez-García, J Juste, J Traba, F Valera, ...
Science 370 (6522), 1282-1283, 2020
Maximum entropy niche-based modelling of seasonal changes in little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) distribution
S Suárez-Seoane, ELG de la Morena, MBM Prieto, PE Osborne, ...
ecological modelling 219 (1-2), 17-29, 2008
Partial migration, and lek and nesting area fidelity in female great bustards
JC Alonso, MB Morales, JA Alonso
The Condor 102 (1), 127-136, 2000
How can the European Common Agricultural Policy help halt biodiversity loss? Recommendations by over 300 experts
G Pe'Er, JA Finn, M Díaz, M Birkenstock, S Lakner, N Röder, Y Kazakova, ...
Conservation Letters 15 (6), e12901, 2022
Rectification Properties and Ca2+ Permeability of Glutamate Receptor Channels in Hippocampal Cells
J Lerma, M Morales, JM Ibarz, F Somohano
European journal of neuroscience 6 (7), 1080-1088, 1994
Effects of human activity on physiological and behavioral responses of an endangered steppe bird
R Tarjuelo, I Barja, MB Morales, J Traba, A Benítez-López, F Casas, ...
Behavioral Ecology 26 (3), 828-838, 2015
Characterization of patients with lupus nephritis included in a large cohort from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Registry of Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus …
M Galindo-Izquierdo, E Rodriguez-Almaraz, JM Pego-Reigosa, ...
Medicine 95 (9), e2891, 2016
Determining high value areas for steppe birds in Spain: hot spots, complementarity and the efficiency of protected areas
J Traba, EL García de la Morena, MB Morales, F Suárez
Biodiversity and Conservation 16 (12), 3255-3275, 2007
Synthesis and QSAR study of the anticancer activity of some novel indane carbocyclic nucleosides
SW Yao, VHC Lopes, F Fernández, X Garcıa-Mera, M Morales, ...
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 11 (23), 4999-5006, 2003
Proximate and ultimate causes of natal dispersal in the great bustard Otis tarda
JC Alonso, E Martin, JA Alonso, MB Morales
Behavioral Ecology 9 (3), 243-252, 1998
Landscape composition influences farm management effects on farmland birds in winter: a pan-European approach
F Geiger, GR de Snoo, F Berendse, I Guerrero, MB Morales, JJ Onate, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 139 (4), 571-577, 2010
Selection of breeding territory by little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) males in Central Spain: the role of arthropod availability
J Traba, MB Morales, EL García de la Morena, MP Delgado, A Krištín
Ecological Research 23, 615-622, 2008
Exploded leks: what bustards can teach us
MB Morales, F Jiguet, B Arroyo
Ardeola 48 (1), 85-98, 2001
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Articles 1–20