David Rosas Shady
David Rosas Shady
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Cited by
The labor market impacts of youth training in the Dominican Republic
D Card, P Ibarrarán, F Regalia, D Rosas-Shady, Y Soares
Journal of Labor Economics 29 (2), 267-300, 2011
Evaluating the impact of job training programmes in Latin America: evidence from IDB funded operations
P Ibarrarán, D Rosas Shady
Journal of Development Effectiveness 1 (2), 195-216, 2009
Experimental evidence on the long-term effects of a youth training program
P Ibarrarán, J Kluve, L Ripani, D Rosas Shady
ILR Review 72 (1), 185-222, 2019
Impact evaluation of the job youth training program Projoven
JJ Diaz, D Rosas-Shady
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Encuesta de habilidades al trabajo (ENHAT) 2017-2018: Causas y consecuencias de la brecha de habilidades en Perú
R Novella, A Alvarado, D Rosas-Shady, C González-Velosa
BID, 2019
¿ Cómo mejorar las oportunidades de inserción laboral de los jóvenes en América Latina?
C González-Velosa, L Ripani, D Rosas Shady
BID, 2012
The labor market impacts of youth training in the Dominican Republic: Evidence from a randomized evaluation
D Card, P Ibarraran, F Regalia, D Rosas, Y Soares
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007
How can job opportunities for young people in Latin America be improved?
C González-Velosa, L Ripani, D Rosas-Shady
Inter-American Development Bank, 2012
Cinco hechos: Sobre la capacitación en firma en America Latina y el Caribe
JGRF Lima, C González-Velosa, D Rosas-Shady
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014
Labor market transitions in Peru
J Herrera, GD Rosas Shady
IAI Discussion Papers, 2003
On-the-job training in Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent evidence
C González-Velosa, D Rosas, R Flores
Firm Innovation and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean: The …, 2016
Impact evaluation of a labor training program in Panama
P Ibarrarán, D Rosas
Washington DC, OVE, 2007
Avances y retos en la formación para el trabajo en Colombia
C González-Velosa, D Rosas-Shady
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Hacia un sistema de formación continua de la fuerza laboral en el Perú
J Chacaltana, JJ Díaz, D Rosas-Shady
BID, OIT, 2015
Are we nearly there yet? New technology adoption and labor demand in Peru
R Novella, D Rosas-Shady, A Alvarado
Science and Public Policy 50 (4), 565-578, 2023
Impact evaluation of the Job Training Component (PROCAJOVEN) of the Assistance Program for the Building of a Training and Employment System in Panama (PN0125)
P Ibarrarán, D Rosas-Shady
Inter-American Development Bank, 2006
¿ Cómo proteger los ingresos y los empleos?: Posibles respuestas al impacto del coronavirus (COVID-19) en los mercados laborales de América Latina y el Caribe
O Arboleda, D Baptista, C González-Velosa, R Novella, D Rosas-Shady, ...
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo DOI: http://dx. doi. org/10.18235/0002307, 2020
Firm Innovation and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Engine of Economic Development (Summary)
M Grazzi, C Pietrobelli, P Angelelli, A Cathles, G Crespi, J Federico, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2016
Impact Evaluation of PROJoven Youth Labor Training Program in Peru
D Rosas
Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 2006
Impact Evaluation of a Youth Job Training Program in the Dominican Republic: Ex-Post Project Evaluation Report of the Labor Training and Modernization Project (DR0134)
P Ibarraran, D Rosas-Shady, Y Soares
Inter-American Development Bank, 2006
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Articles 1–20