Lídia Montero (ORCID:0000-0001-5722-138X)
Lídia Montero (ORCID:0000-0001-5722-138X)
Tenure Associate Professor on Statistics and Operations Research-Barcelona Tech UPC
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Cited by
Cited by
Travel time forecasting and dynamic origin-destination estimation for freeways based on bluetooth traffic monitoring
J Barceló, L Montero, L Marqués, C Carmona
Transportation research record 2175 (1), 19-27, 2010
Towards a generic benchmarking platform for origin–destination flows estimation/updating algorithms: Design, demonstration and validation
C Antoniou, J Barceló, M Breen, M Bullejos, J Casas, E Cipriani, B Ciuffo, ...
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 66, 79-98, 2016
Safety indicators for microsimulation–based assessments
J Barceló, AG Dumont, L Montero, J Perarnau, A Torday
82nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2003
A kalman filter approach for exploiting bluetooth traffic data when estimating time-dependent od matrices
J Barceló, L Montero, M Bullejos, O Serch, C Carmona
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (2), 123-141, 2013
A Kalman Filter Approach for the Estimation of Time Dependent OD Matrices Exploiting Bluetooth Traffic Data Collection
J Barceló, L Montero, M Bullejos, O Serch, C Carmona
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, Washington …, 2012
AIMSUN: advanced interactive microscopic simulator for urban networks
J Barcelo, JL Ferrer, L Montero
User‘s Manual, Departament d ‘Estadística i Investigació Operativa, UPC, 1997
A Kalman-Filter Approach For Dynamic OD Estimation In Corridors Based On Bluetooth And Wifi Data Collection
J Barceló, L Montero, L Marqués, C Carmona
Proceedings 12th World Conference on Transportation Science, Lisboa 11-15 …, 2010
Exploring link covering and node covering formulations of detection layout problem
J Barceló Bugeda, F Gilliéron, M Linares Herreros, O Serch Muni, ...
Transportation Research Record 2308 (1), 17-26, 2012
Fusing mobile phone data with other data sources to generate input OD matrices for transport models
L Montero, X Ros-Roca, R Herranz, J Barceló
Transportation research procedia 37, 417-424, 2019
Robustness and Computational Efficiency of Kalman Filter Estimator of Time-Dependent Origin-Destination Matrices
J Barceló, L Montero, M Bullejos, MP Linares, O Serch
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2013
A Simulation Framework For Real-Time Assessment Of Dynamic Ride Sharing Demand Responsive Transportation Models
C Linares, MP, Montero, L., Barceló, J.
Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, 2016
Dynamic OD matrix estimation exploiting bluetooth data in urban networks
J Barceló, L Montero, M Bullejos, O Serch, C Carmona
14th International Conference on Authomatic Control, Modeling and Simulation …, 2012
Mobility trends before and after the pandemic outbreak: Analyzing the metropolitan area of Barcelona through the lens of equality and sustainability
L Mejía-Dorantes, L Montero, J Barceló
Sustainability 13 (14), 7908, 2021
Analysis and operational challenges of dynamic ride sharing demand responsive transportation models
MP Linares, J Barceló, C Carmona, L Montero
Transportation Research Procedia 21, 110-129, 2017
Combining macroscopic and microscopic approaches for transportation planning and design of road networks
L Montero, E Codina, J Barceló, P Barceló
Proceedings of the 19th ARRB Meeting, Sydney, 1998
Advanced traffic data for dynamic OD demand estimation: The state of the art and benchmark study
T Djukic, J Barceló Bugeda, M Bullejos, L Montero Mercadé, E Cipriani, ...
TRB 94th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, 1-16, 2015
A DUE based bilevel optimization approach for the estimation of time sliced OD matrices
M Bullejos, J Barceló Bugeda, L Montero Mercadé
Proceedings of the International Symposia of Transport Simulation (ISTS) and …, 2014
Case study on cooperative car data for estimating traffic states in an urban network
L Montero, M Pacheco, J Barceló, S Homoceanu, J Casanovas
Transportation Research Record 2594 (1), 127-137, 2016
A combined methodology for transportation planning assessment. Application to a case study
L Montero, E Codina, J Barcelo, P Barceló
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 9 (3), 213-230, 2001
A practical approach to assignment-free dynamic origin–destination matrix estimation problem
X Ros-Roca, L Montero, J Barceló, K Nökel, G Gentile
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 134, 103477, 2022
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Articles 1–20