Jessica Flahaut
Jessica Flahaut
CNRS/CRPG Nancy, France
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Habitability on early Mars and the search for biosignatures with the ExoMars Rover
JL Vago, F Westall, AJ Coates, R Jaumann, O Korablev, V Ciarletti, ...
Astrobiology 17 (6-7), 471-510, 2017
Pervasive aeolian activity along rover Curiosity’s traverse in Gale Crater, Mars
S Silvestro, DA Vaz, RC Ewing, AP Rossi, LK Fenton, TI Michaels, ...
Geology 41 (4), 483-486, 2013
Geological characteristics of Von Kármán crater, northwestern south pole‐Aitken Basin: Chang'E‐4 landing site region
J Huang, Z Xiao, J Flahaut, M Martinot, J Head, X Xiao, M Xie, L Xiao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (7), 1684-1700, 2018
Geology and scientific significance of the Rümker region in northern Oceanus Procellarum: China's Chang'E‐5 landing region
YQ Qian, L Xiao, SY Zhao, JN Zhao, J Huang, J Flahaut, M Martinot, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (6), 1407-1430, 2018
Extensive surface pedogenic alteration of the Martian Noachian crust suggested by plateau phyllosilicates around Valles Marineris
L Le Deit, J Flahaut, C Quantin, E Hauber, D Mčge, O Bourgeois, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 117 (E11), 2012
Regions of interest (ROI) for future exploration missions to the lunar South Pole
J Flahaut, J Carpenter, JP Williams, M Anand, IA Crawford, ...
Planetary and Space Science 180, 104750, 2020
SIMBIO-SYS: scientific cameras and spectrometer for the BepiColombo mission
G Cremonese, F Capaccioni, MT Capria, A Doressoundiram, P Palumbo, ...
Space science reviews 216, 1-78, 2020
Infrared spectrometer for ExoMars: a mast-mounted instrument for the rover
OI Korablev, Y Dobrolensky, N Evdokimova, AA Fedorova, RO Kuzmin, ...
Astrobiology 17 (6-7), 542-564, 2017
Pristine Noachian crust and key geologic transitions in the lower walls of Valles Marineris: Insights into early igneous processes on Mars
J Flahaut, C Quantin, H Clenet, P Allemand, JF Mustard, P Thomas
Icarus 221 (1), 420-435, 2012
Embedded clays and sulfates in Meridiani Planum, Mars
J Flahaut, J Carter, F Poulet, JP Bibring, W Van Westrenen, GR Davies, ...
Icarus 248, 269-288, 2015
Identification, distribution and possible origins of sulfates in Capri Chasma (Mars), inferred from CRISM data
J Flahaut, C Quantin, P Allemand, P Thomas, L Le Deit
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 115 (E11), 2010
Composition and structures of the subsurface in the vicinity of Valles Marineris as revealed by central uplifts of impact craters
C Quantin, J Flahaut, H Clenet, P Allemand, P Thomas
Icarus 221 (1), 436-452, 2012
Dikes of distinct composition intruded into Noachian‐aged crust exposed in the walls of Valles Marineris
J Flahaut, JF Mustard, C Quantin, H Clenet, P Allemand, P Thomas
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (15), 2011
Remote sensing and in situ mineralogic survey of the Chilean salars: An analog to Mars evaporate deposits?
J Flahaut, M Martinot, JL Bishop, GR Davies, NJ Potts
Icarus 282, 152-173, 2017
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science
N Mangold, J Flahaut, V Ansan
Oxford University Press, 2019
Identification and characterization of science-rich landing sites for lunar lander missions using integrated remote sensing observations
J Flahaut, JF Blanchette-Guertin, C Jilly, P Sharma, A Souchon, ...
Advances in Space Research 50 (12), 1647-1665, 2012
Interior layered deposits within a perched basin, southern Coprates Chasma, Mars: Evidence for their formation, alteration, and erosion
F Fueten, J Flahaut, L Le Deit, R Stesky, E Hauber, K Gwinner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 116 (E2), 2011
Mineralogical diversity and geology of Humboldt crater derived using Moon Mineralogy Mapper data
M Martinot, S Besse, J Flahaut, C Quantin‐Nataf, L Lozac'h, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (2), 612-629, 2018
Quantifying widespread aqueous surface weathering on Mars: The plateaus south of Coprates Chasma
D Loizeau, C Quantin-Nataf, J Carter, J Flahaut, P Thollot, L Lozac'h, ...
Icarus 302, 451-469, 2018
Valles Marineris tectonic and volcanic history inferred from dikes in eastern Coprates Chasma
C Brustel, J Flahaut, E Hauber, F Fueten, C Quantin, R Stesky, GR Davies
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122 (6), 1353-1371, 2017
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Articles 1–20