Jiang Wang (王江)
Jiang Wang (王江)
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Cited by
A young multilayered terrane of the northern Mare Imbrium revealed by Chang’E-3 mission
L Xiao, P Zhu, G Fang, Z Xiao, Y Zou, J Zhao, N Zhao, Y Yuan, L Qiao, ...
science 347 (6227), 1226-1229, 2015
China's Chang'e-5 landing site: Geology, stratigraphy, and provenance of materials
Y Qian, L Xiao, Q Wang, JW Head, R Yang, Y Kang, CH van der Bogert, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 561, 116855, 2021
A new terrestrial analogue site for Mars research: The Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau (NW China)
L Xiao, J Wang, Y Dang, Z Cheng, T Huang, J Zhao, Y Xu, J Huang, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 164, 84-101, 2017
Geologic characteristics of the Chang'E-3 exploration region
Z JianNan, H Jun, Q Le, X ZhiYong, H Qian, W Jiang, HE Qi, X Long
Sci China-Phys Mech Astron 57 (3), 569-576, 2014
The regolith properties of the Chang'e-5 landing region and the ground drilling experiments using lunar regolith simulants
Y Qian, L Xiao, S Yin, M Zhang, S Zhao, Y Pang, J Wang, G Wang, ...
Icarus 337, 113508, 2020
Geological characteristics and targets of high scientific interest in the Zhurong landing region on Mars
J Zhao, Z Xiao, J Huang, JW Head, J Wang, Y Shi, B Wu, L Wang
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (20), e2021GL094903, 2021
Geological Features and Evolution of Yardangs in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau (NW China): A Terrestrial Analogue for Mars
Jiang Wang, Long Xiao, Dennis Reiss, Harald Hiesinger, Jun Huang, Yi Xu ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2018
Evidence for marine sedimentary rocks in Utopia Planitia: Zhurong rover observations
L Xiao, J Huang, T Kusky, JW Head, J Zhao, J Wang, L Wang, W Yu, Y Shi, ...
National Science Review 10 (9), nwad137, 2023
Mineralogy and chronology of the young mare volcanism in the Procellarum-KREEP-Terrane
Y Qian, Z She, Q He, L Xiao, Z Wang, JW Head, L Sun, Y Wang, B Wu, ...
Nature Astronomy 7 (3), 287-297, 2023
The polygonal surface structures in the Dalangtan Playa, Qaidam Basin, NW China: controlling factors for their formation and implications for analogous Martian landforms
YN Dang, L Xiao, Y Xu, F Zhang, J Huang, J Wang, JN Zhao, G Komatsu, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 (7), 1910-1933, 2018
Yardang on Earth and its implications to Mars: A review
Z Ding, J Zhao, J Wang, Z Lai
Geomorphology, 107230, 2020
Recent aqueous activity on Mars evidenced by transverse aeolian ridges in the Zhurong exploration region of Utopia Planitia
J Wang, J Zhao, L Xiao, S Peng, L Zhang, Z Zhang, A Gao, H Qiao, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (6), e2022GL101650, 2023
Variations in lunar regolith properties with depth as revealed by Chang'e-5 samples
S Zhao, L Xiao, Y Qian, J Zhao, Z She, Q He, Z Wang, X Wang, K Cao, ...
Icarus 406, 115766, 2023
A new approach to study terrestrial yardang geomorphology based on high‐resolution data acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): A showcase of whaleback yardangs in Qaidam …
X Xiao, J Wang, J Huang, B Ye
Earth and Planetary Physics 2 (5), 398-405, 2018
Diverse polygonal patterned grounds in the northern Eridania basin, Mars: Possible origins and implications
Y Dang, F Zhang, J Zhao, J Wang, Y Xu, T Huang, L Xiao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125 (12), e2020JE006647, 2020
Lunar Mare Fecunditatis: A Science-Rich Region and a Concept Mission for Long-Distance Exploration
S Zhao, Y Qian, L Xiao, J Zhao, Q He, J Huang, J Wang, H Chen, W Xu
Remote Sensing 14 (5), 1062, 2022
An arid-semiarid climate during the Noachian-Hesperian transition in the Huygens region, Mars: evidence from morphological studies of valley networks
Y Shi, J Zhao, L Xiao, Y Yang, J Wang
Icarus 373, 114789, 2022
Unique curvilinear ridges in the Qaidam Basin, NW China: Implications for martian fluvial ridges
J Zhao, J Wang, M Zhang, L Xiao
Geomorphology 372, 107472, 2021
载人航天 26 (3), 389-402, 2020
赵健楠, 黄俊, 肖龙, 乔乐, 王江, 胡斯宇
地球科学 38 (2), 351-360, 2013
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