Eric W. Ganko
Eric W. Ganko
Computational Biologist, Syngenta Biotechnology
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Cited by
Exploring genetic variation in the tomato (Solanum section Lycopersicon) clade by whole‐genome sequencing
100 Tomato Genome Sequencing Consortium, S Aflitos, E Schijlen, ...
The Plant Journal 80 (1), 136-148, 2014
Divergence in expression between duplicated genes in Arabidopsis
EW Ganko, BC Meyers, TJ Vision
Molecular biology and evolution 24 (10), 2298-2309, 2007
Evolutionary history of Oryza sativa LTR retrotransposons: a preliminary survey of the rice genome sequences
L Gao, EM McCarthy, EW Ganko, JF McDonald
Bmc Genomics 5, 1-18, 2004
Occurrence of C3 and C4 photosynthesis in cotyledons and leaves of Salsola species (Chenopodiaceae)
VI Pyankov, EV Voznesenskaya, AN Kuz'min, MSB Ku, E Ganko, ...
Photosynthesis Research 63, 69-84, 2000
Evidence for the Contribution of LTR Retrotransposons to C. elegans Gene Evolution
EW Ganko, V Bhattacharjee, P Schliekelman, JF McDonald
Molecular biology and evolution 20 (11), 1925-1931, 2003
Evolutionary history of Cer elements and their impact on the C. elegans genome
EW Ganko, KT Fielman, JF McDonald
Genome Research 11 (12), 2066-2074, 2001
Retrotransposon-Gene Associations Are Widespread Among D. melanogaster Populations
LF Franchini, EW Ganko, JF McDonald
Molecular Biology and Evolution 21 (7), 1323-1331, 2004
The Contribution of LTR Retrotransposon Sequences to Gene Evolution in Mus musculus
JD DeBarry, EW Ganko, EM McCarthy, JF McDonald
Molecular biology and evolution 23 (3), 479-481, 2006
Evidence for the adaptive significance of an LTR retrotransposon sequence in a Drosophila heterochromatic gene
AM McCollum, EW Ganko, PA Barrass, JM Rodriguez, JF McDonald
BMC evolutionary biology 2, 1-7, 2002
LTR Retrotransposon-Gene Associations in Drosophila melanogaster
EW Ganko, CS Greene, JA Lewis, V Bhattacharjee, JF McDonald
Journal of molecular evolution 62, 111-120, 2006
The complete genome assemblies of 19 insect pests of worldwide importance to agriculture
R King, B Buer, TGE Davies, E Ganko, M Guest, K Hassani-Pak, ...
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 191, 105339, 2023
A scaffold-level genome assembly of a minute pirate bug, Orius laevigatus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), and a comparative analysis of insecticide resistance-related …
E Bailey, L Field, C Rawlings, R King, F Mohareb, KH Pak, D Hughes, ...
BMC genomics 23, 1-21, 2022
Interpreting the biological relevance of bioinformatic analyses with T-DNA sequence for protein allergenicity
B Harper, S McClain, EW Ganko
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 63 (3), 426-432, 2012
A near-chromosome level genome assembly of the European hoverfly, Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Diptera: Syrphidae), provides comparative insights into …
E Bailey, L Field, C Rawlings, R King, F Mohareb, KH Pak, D Hughes, ...
BMC genomics 23 (1), 198, 2022
Systematic Identification of Balanced Transposition Polymorphisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
DA Faddah, EW Ganko, C McCoach, JK Pickrell, SE Hanlon, FG Mann, ...
PLoS Genetics 5 (6), e1000502, 2009
A scaffold-level genome assembly of a minute pirate bug, Orius laevigatus, and a comparative analysis of insecticide resistance-related gene families with hemipteran crop pests
E Bailey, LM Field, CJ Rawlings, R King, F Mahareb, K Hassani-Pak, ...
BMC Genomics 23, 45, 2022
Ten simple rules for developing visualization tools in genomics
E Durant, M Rouard, EW Ganko, C Muller, AM Cleary, AD Farmer, ...
PLOS Computational Biology 18 (11), e1010622, 2022
A Near-Chromosome Level Genome Assembly of the European Hoverfly, Sphaerophoria Rueppellii (Diptera: Syrphidae), and a Comparative Analysis of Insecticide Resistance-Related …
E Bailey, L Field, C Rawlings, R King, F Mohareb, K Hassani-Pak, ...
Article type: Letter Title length: 83 Abstract length: 74 words, 499 Characters with spaces Total length of text: 8,789 Characters with spaces Pages: 1.5
JD DeBarry, EW Ganko, JF McDonald
Analysis of LTR retrotransposon contribution to gene function in C. elegans and D. melanogaster
EW Ganko
University of Georgia, 2004
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Articles 1–20